Fresh Start

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I should've looked up pictures of Monticello before I arrived. There were more trees than I could count, not to mention I only came across a couple of stores-mostly gas stations and signs of motels nearby. My brand new GPS didn't do any support either. Constantly circling around the same street from its absurdly calculating issues. A paper map would've been more helpful than this crap piece of technology I purchased for a hundred bucks.

My stomach gurgled impatiently. It's been hours since I last ate. An exhale of frustration, and another right turn. Back to the same town I was just in minutes before.

I might as well park and ask for directions. Perhaps places to stay as well. I looked at my cellphone's map app. A breakfast and dinner diner should be about two blocks by a flower shop from where I stood.

Craving for some lasagna, I silently hoped they served some there. I yawned just as I checked the time. It read six thirty.

Looking around, I decided to sight see as my inner tourist and eventually resident nature walked around this small city. It had more of a mix of eras; being modern and vintage. I could see a new building that read 'Eye care' and another department with three digit numbers called 'Dental Office', also a closed down torn up deli store next to it. Moss had grown on the dirty and graffiti painted brick walls while the glass door was locked securely with chains.

Across from the diverse buildings, was a supermarket called 'Compare Foods' that looked as if it's been there for years. I could see the grass growing through the cracked pavement in the parking lot as well as the flickering street light. Nonetheless, it seemed peaceful and well civilized seeing lots of parked cars and parking meters.

As I gotten around closer, I noticed the full lot and no doubt the frown evident on my face. I would be waiting almost an hour to get seated since it looked to be more of a family restaurant. I looked up and pondered about my plans for this evening. I could see the gleaming yellow neon letters that read Buchell's since the o between the l and apostrophe had died out.

Maybe finding a place to stay and ordering takeout would be the best thing to do, I thought as the night sky bloomed and the street lights brightened.

I shook my head, the irony of the first thing I didn't want my father to do as I left and now I'm thinking about it. Stop being so hypocritical Ezra, I thought as I smacked my cheeks with both hands.

"Excuse me miss, are you lost?"

Distracted from my pointless train of thought, I didn't notice there was a lady watching me with worry. A little startled, I replied hastily, "No no, I mean yes, I am." I sighed and took a breath.

"I'm trying to find Monticello and I stopped by to ask for directions."

As I moved a little closer, I could see more of the woman's features. She was older than my mother. If I could guess, I would say about in her sixties as she wore a long flowered skirt and a peachy colored knit sweater as one her hands held her big brown leather purse. She seemed to walk perfectly fine and she came up towards to me to shake her hand before she spoke.

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