Hanging Out

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"What's this?" You held up a small sharp thing.
Robin looked up from his phone, "a bat-er-ang."
You hummed placing it back in its spot in his belt. You were sitting on his bedroom floor, his belt in hand. He was lying on his bed playing games on his phone and answering your never ending sequence of questions.
"What's this?" You held up a claw gun looking thing.
"A grappling hook."
You hummed, putting it away before digging in another pocket. "What's this?" You held up a small heavy ball.
"A smoke bomb."
You looked up at him, surprised. "Really?" He nodded, a questioning look on his face. You smirked before saying, "now you see me..." You threw the ball against the ground.

Unfortunately, it unleashed a lot more smoke than you thought it would making you and Robin evacuate the room. When the door shut behind you you turned to look at Robin who looked disapprovingly at you with arms crossed.
"...Now you don't?" You offered making him smile and shake his head.
He took the belt from you, clicking it around his waist again. "Never again."


"You are so going down."
"Think again chrome dome." You tapped the buttons vigorously on your video game controller. Cyborg tapped his almost violently as he tried to pass you up in Mario Kart. You were almost to the finish line when... "Yes!!" You jumped up from your spot on his couch and danced victoriously.
He leaned back into the cushions and watched you with a smile. When you finished he joked with a smirk, "Good job. I guess girls can be good at Video Games."
You feigned offence. "I'll have you know a lot of girls are good at video games."
"Prove it. Mortal Kombat?"
You nodded. "Oh, you're on."

Beast Boy

You took a bite of your pizza, leaning your elbows on the table.
"What do you get when you cross a vampire and Frosty the snowman?" BB asked, looking across the table at you.
"What?" You questioned once you swallowed the pizza in your mouth.
"Frostbite!" He said happily.  
You laughed, placing your pizza down on the paper plate. "Wanna hear a joke about a piece of paper?" You offered making him nod. "Never mind, it's TEARable."
He laughed while running a hand through his messy hair. "I know a joke about a broken pencil but there's no point in telling it."
"I would tell you a joke about construction but I'm still working on it."
You both burst out laughing, neither of you saying anything as you tried to catch your breath. Once you were both breathing normally, a comfortable silence settled in.
Beast boy was the one to break it. "Why can't a bicycle stand on its own?"
You shrugged. "Why?"
"Because it's two tired."


You hummed along to the music that was playing while adding paint to the canvas. Raven had hers on an easel, yours was laying on the kitchen table. You were both in the Tower taking up the relaxing hobby of painting. You were doing it in the kitchen cause the paint would be easier to clean up on the tile rather than the carpet.
You were creating an unimpressive doodle of a stick family. You didn't care that it wasn't fancy or 'good'. You were just doing it for fun. Raven's easel was facing away from you so you couldn't see what she was making.

She splattered some blue and purple paint onto her board, stepping back to look at it. After a second she stepped up to the board again, adding black with a smaller brush.
You were curious as to what she was painting, but focused on your own. You added a small house in the background for the family to live in, making sure it had a white picket fence in the front yard.
After you finished your doodle you stood up and made your way across the kitchen to see what Raven was making. You glanced over her shoulder and smiled at the painting. It was an impressive picture of a galaxy. More simply put, outer space.
"Wow, that's really good!" You complimented.
She shrugged. "Yours is too." She returned the compliment, looking at your painting.
You smiled. "Of course it is. I'm a modern day Leonardo DiCaprio." You said sarcastically making her laugh.


"Hold this." She reached over your shoulder to hand you a hair tie. You willingly grabbed it, holding it up for when she'd need it again. You were sitting in a chair in your room, Starfire standing behind you styling your hair. She had already used half a box of Bobby pins and three hair ties. This was the fourth.
"Thank you." She spoke, taking it back from you. You sat quietly, allowing her to work her magic.
"OK, I've finished." She spoke proudly, walking around to stand in front of you. She held up a mirror and your eyes widened. Your hair was sticking up in all different directions, Bobby pins holding certain spots down, hair ties puffing other spots up. It looked... Crazy.
She frowned. "You... do not like it?"
You shook your head. "I love it." You said with a smile.
"Wanna go to the salon of nails?" She asked happily.
You nodded once, "let's do it." You didn't bother fixing your hair before leaving.


"Wait, so you're the one who made that money truck crash by slipping on a banana peel?" You asked while laughing.
She laughed along with you and nodded. "I mean, it wasn't what I had planned but it worked." She spoke before taking a sip of her tea.
"Wow, you've had such a crazy life. The most exciting thing that's happened to me recently was when I meowed at a cat and they responded."
She laughed. "Well, now you're my friend so things will definitely get more exciting for you."
You smiled and took a drink of your own beverage before setting down on the stand next to your bed. Jinx looked up at you from her position on the floor with a smile, which you happily returned. You flopped back onto your bed, relishing in the comfort.
"Oh my god, look at this meme!" She spoke holding her phone up to show you the screen. You read over it and laughed before pulling out your phone to show her one you saved on Instagram.


You laughed, walking next to Terra through the Jump City Mall. "You should've seen her face!" She continued her story. "Look at that dress!" She spoke, pointing at a blue dress hanging in a store window. "Come on!" She grabbed your arm, dragging you in that direction.
Once you got into the store you were overwhelmed with the amount of fashionable clothes. You looked at each other and smiled before heading off in different directions and grabbing clothes that you liked. You met up at the dressing rooms five minutes later and went into different rooms, changing into clothes that you liked.
She stepped out of her room the same time you did. You both commented on the others current outfit before going back into the rooms and changing again. And again. And again...


(A/n: Spoilers for City Of Bones, The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Claire)

You were sitting with Gizmo in the Hive headquarters. He was sitting on the couch playing video games. You were lying on the floor reading a book. You gasped as a huge secret was revealed.
"What?" Gizmo asked.
"Jace is Clary's brother!!" You said excitedly.
"What!? No way!!" He said, equally excited.
"I know right!?"
After a second he added, "Who's Jace?"
You looked at him with a frown. "You really need to read this book."
He shrugged. "Nah, I don't read."
You overdramatically sighed, "come on... It's a really good book I think you'll like it."
He looked at you before sighing. "Finnnneeee."
You handed him the book and picked up his controller. "Let me know when you want to borrow the book." You said with a smirk.

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