"I Love You"

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     The titans shuffled from the elevator, tired and in pain. They just got out of a particularly nasty fight with Brother Blood and they all wanted nothing more than some rest. Well, all but Robin. He was a bit peeved that Blood got away after the fight, but they were in no condition to go after him.
     The others went to their rooms and immediately got some well needed shut eye, but robin got out his phone and called his girlfriend.
     You were lying in bed playing a new video game you had bought today. You knew it was well past 1 am but it was such a good game, and you didn't have work tomorrow so no harm done really.
     You were surprised when your phone rang and paused your game to check the caller ID. It was your boyfriend. No doubt calling to lecture you for staying up so late. How did he even know? Was he spying on you?
     You answered the phone with an immediate defense. "I know I know, I shouldn't be staying up so late. Save the lecture."
     There was a breathy, tired chuckle. "Of course you're still awake..."
     You furrowed your brows. "You didn't know?"
     "Why would I?"
You suddenly got embarrassed, of course he wasn't spying on you. Stupid!
     You gave a nervous laugh and changed the topic of conversation. "D-Did you need something?"
     "Can I come over? I just need your company..." You couldn't help but smile. He was so sweet.
     "Yeah, of course. I'll leave the door unlocked."
     "Thanks. I'll be there in a bit."
     The call ended and you went to unlock your door, as promised. It was kinda late for him to want to visit. Something must have happened. You finished up the level of the game you were currently on while waiting for him to arrive.
     He let himself in and leaned against the doorframe of your bedroom getting your attention. You turned so your feet were hanging off the side of the bed, toes almost touching the floor. "Hey, Rob." Your greeted pausing your game.
     The first thing you noticed was his clothes were a little dirty, and not as neat as usual. His hair was a mess and his demeanor was that of someone who was having a bad day.
     "Wow. You got all dressed up for me?" You joked.
     He glanced down at his outfit and ran a hand through his hair, smiling at your comment. "Sorry, just got off a mission."
     He never really went into detail when talking about his missions. But you didn't mind. You understood the fact that his job had a need for secrecy. But you do wish he trusted you a little more.
     "You looked stressed. Wanna talk about it?" Maybe he'll open up just a little bit...
     "Not really." Ok, maybe he won't.
     "You sure? I'm happy to listen if you need to vent. It might make you feel a little better."
     He hesitated. He did want to rant little. Ok a lot. But he didn't want to waste his time with you complaining about everything he should have done better.
     "Come on. Tell me what's eating at you." You added, offering a hand to him.
     He sighed stepped up to your bed taking your hand. He laced his fingers through yours for a second, thinking. "Its just..." He dropped your hand and ran his down his face. "I don't understand what we could have done differently. I had a plan for anything that could have happened and he still got away!"
     You had a little celebration in your head for getting him to open up to you. You listened to every word he had to say, nodding and giving input when necessary.
     When he was finished he sat on the floor between your legs, his back against the bed and legs sprawled out in front of him. He sighed and let his head fall forward, obviously tired now that he got all that out of his system.
     You ran your hands over his shoulders, rubbing the tense muscles. When he relaxed a little you spoke. "Theres no way you could have predicted that would happen, Robin. Yes, he got away, but you stopped his plans. Tonight, Jump City is safe because of you. I call that a win."
     He let your words sink in, shoulders relaxing a bit more under your touch. After a few moments he breathed out a short sentence, "God, I love you..." Almost immediately his shoulders tensed again. He obviously hadn't meant to say that out loud.
     "I love you, too." You said after a few moments, letting a smile grace your face. From what little of his face you could see from this angle, you could tell he was smiling too.

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