4 Days

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          Oron woke Ashton and Avery the next morning before even the sun rose. He hadn’t woken either of the two for watch and seemed to need no sleep. However, that wasn’t the case for either Avery or Ashton.

          “I’m tired! The sun hasn’t even got up yet.” Avery rolled over.

          “Lemme sleep. ‘S too early.” Ashton was equally as tired.

          “Get up now.” Oron ripped the still damp blankets off the two. “We have need for haste.”

          Avery sat up slowly, looking up at the fading stars. “Well, at least it’s not raining.” She shivered. “It’s cold, though.”

          “Yeah, and I’m hungry,” Ashton added. “Too bad all our food got ruined.”

          Rolling his eyes upward, Oron tossed a packet of dried fruit at each of them. “Eat while you get ready.”

          The two did so and were ready to leave within minutes. As they walked in the dewy grass, Ashton laughed suddenly. “Your hair’s a mess, Sea.”

          Avery glared at him. “Maybe that’s because I haven’t brushed or washed it for like the last two days. Your hair’s messed up too!”

          “Yeah, but my hair’s always like that.” They were silent for awhile as it gradually got lighter. Finally, the sun rose and began to warm them. “Oh yeah,” Ashton gestured to Avery’s pack. “I said I’d show you how to use that knife.”

          “Hey, that’s right!” Avery slowed down as she pulled it out.

          “Alright, first of all, you need a place to keep it. If something attacks you, there’s no way you’re going to have time to get it out of your pack.” Ashton pulled out a strip of leather from his pack. He expertly braided it onto Avery’s arm, creating a sheath. By this time, Oron was much farther ahead, since Ashton couldn’t very well braid a sheath while walking at a normal pace. Reluctantly, Oron slowed down.

          “Ok, now the dagger won’t’ come out automatically like mine. I don’t have time to do that and it’s hard to learn how to use it.” Ashton slid the dagger into the newly-made sheath. “This’ll keep it secure without poking you.”

          Avery pulled the knife in and out experimentally. “Great. Thanks, Ashton.” She smiled admiringly at him.

          Laughing, Ashton smiled back. “No problem. Now to learn how to throw it…”

          Oron groaned as the two stopped and began throwing daggers at trees. “We’ll never get to Andrin at this rate,” he muttered angrily. Sighing, he decided to give them ten minutes.


          Despite the delays, the group managed to reach the Tay’lo River before midday. The great river rushed by powerfully, foaming and frothing. Oron shook his head when he saw it. “There’s no way we can cross here. Follow me. We’ve got to find a bridge or at least a calmer spot.”

          For half an hour, Oron led them farther and farther upstream. Focusing only on finding a place to cross the river, Oron failed to notice when the brush on his other side quivered without a breeze or the low murmurings of deep voices. It was Ashton who first realized they were about to be ambushed. Not wasting a moment, he drew a dagger. “Ambush!” he yelled, alerting the others.

          Immediately, the undergrowth erupted with over a dozen Enar. Their sunken human-like faces gleamed with the delight of battle. All were taller than even Oron and brandished knives and clubs. Cursing, Oron drew his large sword and ran to meet the challenge. The sword glittered as it caught the morning sun. Oron was surrounded by the bulk of the Enar, but three galloped over to meet Avery and Ashton.

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