C. 1: Starting Ground

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Backstage, near the vending machine that'd be besides the production room would be 'Kevin O'Riley'. He'd stand at about 6 feet tall. His weight would have been 243 around this time. He was a lean fellow with a buzzcut and a neck beard to follow up with as he had very light skin. So much so that you could see the red glow on his body. There'd be a fit, toned man with a caesar haircut and a stubble of hair on his face. His name would be 'Ashton Price' who'd recently had gotten into an altercation with Kevin over management issues.

Ashton: I don't know who you think you are, Kevin, but don't think for one second just because the big guy likes you that you're gonna pave your way through here. You want to be a star? You step to me, and follow my teachings.

Kevin: As entertaining that would be to watch someone like you make a fool of yourself on how a star should look and act...I'd rather not step to you. You see, I rather tower over you in victory.

The two would give each other a stern, staredown as Rhett Simmons, the general manager of the show, would arrive on scene to break them apart from each other.

Rhett: Boys, boys. Let's not settle it like this back here. For our first night in San Francisco, California we gotta make sure it's settled right and in the ring. So that means you two will be facing each other. That match will happen later night seeing as neither of you are dressed and prepared. So get ready and get in gear.

He'd walk off scene from the two as Kevin and Ashton gave each other another last second staredown before dismissing themselves from each other, walking towards their respective lockers. The cameras would be set, and the seats would be filled as more than three hundred men and women attended this event. Their venue would be in an old high school gym where they now conduct business as it does not seem to be used anymore. The starting match would be a bout between 'Big Man' Alfonzo' and 'Perfect Tyler' for the first match of the night. Alfonzo would tower over Tyler as he stood at a little more than 7 feet tall. Tyler could only come up to about 6'1 as he would walk out of his corner with Alfonzo doing the same engaging into a collar and elbow lock up.

Jack Supreme: Welcome folks, to the first night of 'New Style Wrestling' and here I'm accompanied by my good friend Harry Jonez.

Harry Jonez: Good to see you after all these years Jack, and yet you still can't get anymore uglier!

Jack Supreme: Oh har har.

Alfonzo being the bigger man would shove Tyler onto his back, causing him to roll over into a corner. As he walked over to him, Tyler would slow Alfonzo down in his tracks, pleading him to not come any closer, leaning through the ropes, causing the referee to come and try to convince Alfonzo to give Tyler some space. Not trying to waste any time, Alfonzo would shove the referee 'Matt Galler' out of the way as Tyler would spring off the top rope connecting with a high knee to the side of Alfonzo's head causing him to stumble back.

Jack: A flying knee!

Harry: Coming down hard, right across the face of Alfonzo. I tell ya, this guy 'Perfect Tyler' always makes sure whatever he does HAS to be perfect, and as we saw that execution was nothing short of awe inspiring!

Tyler would take the initiative to scale up to the top turnbuckle in the next corner that Alfonzo would be near, waiting for him to turn himself. As Alfonzo would shake off the earlier blow, he'd look on to see Tyler coming down again with another vicious knee, coming across the jaw of Alfonzo, making him stumble away once again. He'd run back up to the next corner that Alfonzo was near, scaling the top turn buckle. Looking dazed and confused, Alfonzo would turn around to look at Tyler who'd fly through the air coming down for another diving knee. It'd be disrupted as Alfonzo would catch him, tossing him onto his shoulder in a powerslam like position. He'd walk towards the corner while holding Tyler, popping him up and letting him free fall, face first right into the top turnbuckle. He'd drop back and roll, stumbling up in a groggy form, clutching onto his face. As Alfonzo neared him, Tyler would surprise him with a fierce forearm right across the face. He'd rebound off the nearby ropes and would run straight into a big boot by Alfonzo. As he saw Tyler down, he ran the ropes, leaping right into a huge elbow drop. The impact would cause Tyler's legs to shoot up as he squirmed around, clutching onto his chest in severe pain.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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