Camp Get Away

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Nobody knows the real me. nobody know how many times I've sat in a room and tried, how many times I've lost hope, how many times I've been let down. Nobody knows how many times I've had to told back tears, how many times I've felt like I was about to snap but don't just for the sake of others. nobody knows the thoughts that have gone through my head whenever I'm sad and how horrible they really are.

"Do you still think of him"?

"Everyday". I say, looking down at my at my lap while holding my phone to my ear.

"Skyler, just wait for the guy that would do anything to be your everything" her voice echoed through the phone.

I sigh and stand up from sitting on the end of my bed. "I don't know Amber..."

I walk over to my closet, opening it. "I gotta go." I said hanging up.

I stare at the shirts hanging side by side in my closet and pull out a black crop top with sunflowers all over it. Then, I head to the drawer and pull out some light high-waisted shorts.

I pull my dark brown hair into a ponytail then slip on my black vans, and head downstairs.

"Good morning mom!" I said walking into the kitchen.

"Good morning sweetie! Ready for summer camp?" My mom hands me an apple and sits down across from me, with her coffee.

"Oh my god!" I stood up. "I completely forgot about that!"

I ran upstairs to go pack and I heard my mom giggle behind me.

This was my first summer going to camp and I was so exited!

I pulled my suitcase out of my closet and begin to stuff clothes into it. I basically threw all the clothes I own into the suitcase because I'm going to be there for the whole summer!

I quickly slipped my sunglasses on and and tucked my phone into my backpocket while gripping my black hard-top suitcase and basically sprinting down the stairs, and outside to my moms ford focus.

I open the trunk of the car and push my suitcase in, then close the trunk and skip to the passenger seat of the car. The drive to the bus that takes us to camp is 3 hours in itself, but the whole bus ride to camp (which is in Colorado and I live in California) is 16 hours..On a bus...With a bunch of people that I don't even know.

Now I'm starting to re-think this whole camp thing. "Mom?" I said as she stops at a stop light. "How many people are in this camp?" I look over at her, a little worried.

"Well theres about 500 people in total." She looks at me and laughs. "Don't worry sweetie, I know you'll make friends right away." She looks back at the road and begins to drive. "Hey, and maybe you'll even get a boyfriend!" She winks.

"MOM, really? No way thats happening! I've chose that I'm not going to get mixed up in stupid boy drama this summer."

It was true, I really wasn't looking forward to all the guys going to the same camp as me, but my mom insisted.

I sighed and closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

It felt like seconds later when my mom woke me up informing to we made it to the camp bus stop. It was filled with about 50 boys and girls that all looked around my age, which is 17. But some of them look a little older.

The bus was huge. It was black with the words 'Camp Get Away' which is the camps name. The windows were tinted to a dark grey, and the weels were huge and a light black.

"Well, Have fun sweetie!" She kisses my forehead and walks back to her car and stands in the car door and watches me walk to the bus.

I look up at the doors and walk in, and sit down in the middle. I was surprised on how comfy the seats were.

All of a sudden I heard an unfamiliar voice, "Hey there." The voice was male, and very sexy.

I look over at the guy that was now sitting next to me, that had dark brown hair that was styled in that douchebag flip that shows the forehead His eyes were a light hazel, that were complemented with long eyelashes. He wore a striped tank-top with light colors, like light-yellow and light blue, while his shorts were a tan color.

"Umm...Hey" I said, trying not to stare.

"I'm Seth." He plastered a smirk on his face that made his look 10X more attractive.

He stuck out his hand, offering it to me, but before i could grap it, some pulled Seth out of the chair, and replaced him with another good looking guy.

"Sorry about him." He said, "Hes kind of a jerk." The cute boy smiled, showing his perfect white pearls.

"Its fine." I tuck some of the loose hair that has fallen from my ponytail behind my ear. "I'm Skyler."

The bus starts to move, and one of the camp couselors that looked around the age of 26, began to speak. "Hello everyone, I'm Maggie, the leader. Now, I'm just gonna jump right into the rules, Number one, there are no cell phones in Camp Get Away." Everyone begain to complain but she continued, "This camp is not, called Camp Get a Bae. We do not incourge any sexual intercourse with any of your camp mates." she paused to look at everyone, then coutinued. "Everyone has the weekends off, so you can do whatever you want, except leave the camp. And during the week days we expect you to get up, and be ready by 8:00am to start the camp activitys. And the cerfu is 11:00pm. She then looks through a bunch of papers.

"Wow, lots of rules." I said to they guy that pulled Seth away.

"Nahh shes cool once you get to know her." He said smiling at me. "Oh I don't think I mentioned my name, I'm Spencer."

"Well nice to meet you Spencer!" Looks like I'll be having friends after all.

"Ahh here it is." Maggie unfolds the paper and looks at it. "I'll be listing off your dorm roomates." She clears her throat and begins to read. "James, Will, Grant, Caleb." "Seth, Spencer, Rick, Matt" "Katie, Leah, Lacey, Tina." "Skyler, Nina, Clair, Jenn...." She went on and on but I zoned out afte she said my name. "And thats it, you'll meet all your roommates at camp." And with that, she sat down.

"Dammnit. I have to be with Seth, and all his annoying sidekicks" I looked over at Spencer, who has a very adorable pouty face on.

"Well at least you know someone! Whos know what those girls are like." I said laughing.

I looked out the window at the nature rushing past us and the bus moved forward, towards Colorado.

"I'm actually friends with one of the girls in your cabin." He said while giving me a half smile.

"Really? Who!" I asked with curiousity.

"Jenn! we're not bestfriends or anything, but I can say we're close." He smiled. "The only bad thing is, your stuck with Clair. Shes a real bitch."

We both looked at eachother and laughed.

Spencer whiped a tear of laughter from his eye. "Yeah, Seth and Clair hook up every summer. Its kinda annoying really."

I looked behind me, in search of Seth. I found him way in the back with all his friends, and it looked like they were rating girls. Soon enough he looks up at me and smirks. "What a perfect asshole." I said with fake sympathy.

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