The Party

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The camp was beatiful. There were large cabins everywhere, and a big path split down between them that leads to a huge lake that has rocks on the other side. Theres a deck with all kinds of boats attached to it. To the right of the lake, begins a forest of large trees. It has a narrow dirt path goingthrough it. Everything was so alive and green.

I hear someone clear their throat, and I look over at Maggie who was standing on a milk crate, so she can see everyone. "Okay everyone I'm going to tell you where your cabins are and then I expect you to go to sleep, its been a long day." She smiles and looks at everyone, "Boys are in the cabins on my left, and girls are in the right cabins."

As she begins to tell the boys where thier camps are, I can't help but notice a very attractive guy, that looked the age of 20. He must be someone who worked here.

"Alright, now for the girls." Maggie pulls out a paper and begins to read, "Clair, Nina, Jenn, and Skyer, your cabin is at the end near the woods and lake." She went on but I was way to tired, so I went to my cabin to find that the other girls in my cabin were already there.

The inside of the cabins were very nice. There were two bunk-beds against two walls. Even though the cabins were small, they still somehow made it looked very cozy and nice.

"Okay so now that everyone is here, whos sharing bunk-beds with who?" I looked over at the girl who had short shorts on, and a rose pink, flowy tank top.

"How about I choose? I mean, I'm the best anyways" She said smaking her gum and doing a bitchy giggle.

I roll my eyes and sit down on the bunk-bed to the left that was next to the door.

"Ummm what are you doing?" She looks up and down at me. "I said I was choosing."

"Well I wanted the bottom bunk." I said trying to sound careless.

"Ugh fine. But you have to share with Jenn. I'll share with Nina." She looks over at Nina and they walk over to the bunk and start to gossip.

"Sorry about Chair." Iook over at the girl that the voice was coming from. "I'm Jenn."

I smile and reply, "I'm Skyer."

Jenn yawns and clims up to her bed. "Night everyone."

I hear Clair and Nina laugh.

"What?" I say looking at them confused.

"Why are you going to sleep? There a party you know?" Clair says with a smirk. "Me and Nina are going, but I wouldn't be suprised if you losers are staying in." She laugh and nuges Nina.

"Well we're off." Just as she was about to walk out the door, she turns and looks at me. "Unless you want to go to Skyer." She does her signature bitchy smile and shrugges.

I sigh and stand up. "Only if Jenn comes." I look over at her with sympothey in hope that she comes.

"No way man, I'm to tired." Jenn said turning to so faced the wall.

I sighed "Fine."

"Great! Come on guys! Lets go have some fun!" Clair hooked arms with me and Nina, and with that, we begain to walk to the party.

Feeling awkward I spit out, "So where is this party anyways?"

"Its hidden so the counselors won't be able to find it. They don't even know that this party is even happening. But don't worry, they won't be able to hear us. Its to far from camp." Clair winks at me and tightens her grip around my arm.

I always thought it was kinda awkward when people walk with their arms linked like this. It just feels weird, expecally with someone like Chair and Nina.

We started walking to into the forest along the trail for about 10 minutes, until we reached a tree with a little mark on it that looked like the letters PTW, which I'm just gonna guess it mean 'Party This Way'.

We turn into the dark forest and continue to walk forward until we see the light from a large camp fire and the sound of the blasting music that vibrated the lake.

Without even saying goodbye, Clair pulled Nina away and left me along with the fire, and with a bunch of drunk teenagers.

A couple seconds later I feel a hands wrap around my waist. I turned around to find drunk Seth smirking at me. I try to get out of his grasp, but his muscular hands were too much for me. "Let me go Seth."

He chuckles. "Oh you know you like it." He begins to come real close to my face. I could feel his hot breath on my cheek. I felt is eyes looking at the details on my face. I notice his eyes linger to my lips as he says, "Lets play a game."

He pulls away and shouts to everyone, "HEY! ME AND SKIES ARE GONNA PLAY A GAME OF TRUTH OR DARE!"

I look at him confused. "Skies?" I raise on of my eyebrows in question.

"Thats my new nickname for you Skies." He lets go of my waist and graps my wrist, and pulls me to sit down next to him on one of the logs next to the fire.

Almost everyone come over to play or watch.

Clair come over and sat on the other side of Seth. "Hey baby." She leans in for a stong kiss, and thats exacly what happened. For about 2 minutes, then they both pulled away.

Seth clears his throat and whips his lips with a smirk. "Okay, the rules are that if you don't do the dare or say the truth, you have to chuge a cup of beer. You only have 3 cups of beer to use as a chicken."

Everyone nods in aggrement and they grap their cups of beer, and I do the same.

"I'll start." Clair looks at me with a smirk. "Skyler, I dare you tooo...." She thinks for seconds, "Have 7 seconds of heaven with anyone in the group." She laughs and moves closer to Seth.

"Umm yeah, I'll pass." And with that, I gulp donwn the sour liquid.

I felt everyone eyes on me, since it was my turn to go. I rolled my eyes and agusted my seating. "Fine, Seth, I dare you to jump into the water and stay in there for 5 minutes." I look at him with a half smile.

He looked at me with the 'really' "it's freezing in the water though!"

I laugh,"Exactly."

He looked at me like he had an idea. "Alright fine, but under one condition."

Before I could reply, he picks me up, bridel style and runs to the water.

"Seriously Seth?! This wasn't part of the dare!" I struggle around, trying to get out of his grip, but of course, hes to strong.

He laughs and throws me into the lake, seconds later I hear another splash. I stick my head out of the freezing water and look at Seth. Even though the water was freezing, I could feel my face heat up with anger. "WHAT THE HELL SETH!?"

Seth laughs and goes under water. I roll my eyes and wait for him to come back up.

After a while a waiting I begin to look around, trying to fid him. "This isn't funny Seth. Where are you?"

No sign of him. "Seth?"

All of a sudden I felt cold hands grip around my waist. In shock, I try to push away,and turn around.

"Come on Skies, you know it was funny." I turn around and roll my eyes, and start to head to shore.

"You're sick Seth." I start to leave the party, and go back to my cabin.

Once I was out of the party and back on the trail in the woods, Seth catches up to me. "Seriously Skies? It was just a joke." He trys to grap my wrist, but I pull away and continue to walk.

''God, you're so stubbrn Skies. You just can't take a fucking joke can you?" and with that, he walks back to the party.

It was a stupid idea to go to that party.

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