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The day was like any other. Pillows scattered around the bed, wrappers in a messy array on the nearby table, and stacks of books and notebooks piled unorderly by the study area make up the scenery of the writer's room. It's school season, yet the writer is home. Why is so? She never went absent in class, even when she was not well. Her attendance wasn't perfect, but she'd never go absent, true to her motto, "Better late than absent".

She checks the calendar. Oh no, it's already September yet the calendar is still in August. Silly writer. She stands up and flips the calendar over to September. She checked her laptop, the date's September 21, 2017. Oh right, The President declared a National Protest Day coinciding with the 45th anniversary of the Martial Law declaration.

Out there, thousands, no, maybe millions of people have been protesting for whatever. It may be for those killed by the so-called war on drugs, the oil price hike, or any other issue involving the government. There isn't a country that doesn't hold protests, are there?

Despite being a minor, the writer knows the core of all this: the people's stupidity. They elected someone who said they would invoke "change". So many fools in the world; why not they take the lead and see how difficult it is to fix such a broken country?

Yes, there was change, but is this the change we wanted? Why won't we change our way of thinking? This mentality we all have is breaking not only our individual selves, but also our nation. Even the writer admits that she suffers in this mentality, wherein we think that those above are the only ones that need to change; even when it's the people who do not comply in the agreement.

This mentality is apparently evident in the school too. The writer tries her best to obey with all rules and regulations, but she can't help but join the bandwagon of violating certain school rules, such as the use of cellphones and swearing. The writer has always been torn with herself, when it comes to her personality, her actions, where she belongs, almost everything, probably.

She then types these thoughts in her laptop using Word. She can't believe she can use it to edit again, after the subscription expired. Looks like she really needed to sign out to use Word again.

"Hey, go do your project!"

Yikes. As far as the writer can remember, the due for said project was tomorrow. She knows very well that she hasn't started on that yet. Better do that before she gets forced to stay up late.

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