Part 3

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Manik watched in amusement as Cabir bump with that mannerless girl sister falling above her.He watched as that girl scold Cabir while Cabir gives her a dreamy look. Then he sees Mukti smacking on Cabir head and then talking with that girl in a polite manner.

"Now something is fishy," Manik muttered under breath seeing Mukti smiley face.

"What's this girl is up to?" Manik said and starts walking in Mukti direction but stop suddenly as he sees her.

Her running towards her sister and then saying something. He felt himself smiling as he sees her cute pout. He feels contended as he sees her jumping up and down. He feels something flutter inside him as she smiles at her sister. He got all aww on her cute antics as she eats her chocolate like a child. He feels ....

"Back to earth Manik." Cabir voice pulls him out of his thought and he shakes his head to clear his head.

"What Happen?" He asks Cabir moving his gaze away from Nandini.

"Aren't you excited that we are going on the bus? "Cabir asked him in an excited voice.

"Bus?" He questioned.

"Arre Navya is also going to Mangalore through this Bus. So we are going on a bus as we don't have any other option. "Cabir said while pointing to the Blue Bus.

Manik first looks at the bus and then turning toward Cabir he asked, "May I know who the hell is Navya?"

"OH, Navya. She is sweet and cute and I just love how her face turn red when she is angry and ..."Cabir may have continued if not Alia smacked him on his head.

"Shut up Cabir. Manik Navya is that girl sister with whom you fought, She is also going to Mangalore and her sister with whom you fought suggest that we can go Mangalore by bus as our jeep is not working"Alia informed Manik while glaring at Cabir in end.

But our Cabir didn't pay any attention as he is busy in his Navya dreamland.

"I have no problem as we have no other option but you girl are comfortable na?"Manik asked looking at Mukti and Alia.

"Yup we are comfortable Bhai," Mukti said while taking her bag out from the jeep.

"Ok so let's go," Manik said as he takes a bag from the jeep and starts walking toward Bus.

"Cabir Idiot.Carry your own bag. I'm not your servant" Alia yell at Cabir while giving him his bag.

Cabir smiled at Alia and then take Alia bag from her start walking toward the bus.

Manik shakes his head at Cabir.

Cabir is gone but can't he find some other girl than her sister?

"OHH Wait, where are you going?" Bus conductor stops Cabir from going inside the bus.

"You have eyes na so can't you see that we are going inside the bus," Mukti said to the driver in a sarcastic voice.

"Oh Madam no need to be over smart. Do you have a ticket? "Conductor asked Mukti in a rude voice which rise Manik temper and before we know Conductor is pushed against the Bus front and every passenger get outside of Bus by seeing some confrontation.

"Keep your voice in check, understand," Manik said in a low tone.

"Yes I....I will." Conductor stutter as he sees Manik anger.

After giving a hard glare to conductor Manik loose his hold on his collar.

"You are asking for ticket Na? Give me 5 tickets for Mangalore." Manik said in anger and give money to the conductor.

MaNan SS - It's all started in the BusWhere stories live. Discover now