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Error's Pov
I opened my eyes slowly.I was in a king size bed.I looked at my glitchy hp it was back to normal.I sighed in relief.
"I guess the pain the goddess gave me was temporary"
I got up and opened the door to see someone it was Cross.

"Nightmare said You should rest here for awhile"
Cross said going in and placing the plate at the table.I sat and ate what he gave me.He didn't left me.And just stared at me which gave me chills.

"What are you looking at?Is something wrong with my face?"
Cross blushed and turned his gaze away from me.I chuckled.

"Haha You're really adorable when you blush"
Cross' Pov
I looked at Error.If Error wasn't with Nightmare.I would kiss that soft lips of his.God he's cute.I blushed more when he said i was cute.

??? Pov
Cross can't handle the cuteness of Error and left.Error was now alone.He got up and put the dish in the sink and went outside of the castle.
The breeze was cold but calming.
"After everything we needed a breather"
The voices said.
Error felt someone pulled him into s hug.He smiled knowing it was his boyfriend.
"Darn it Glitchy Why are you always seducing!"
"What are you saying?I didn't do anything to you!"
Error laughed slapping Nightmare's hands gently.Pretending to get out of his Embrace.
"You shouldn't be here.You'll catch a cold"
Nightmare said letting Error go and putting a jacket in Error.
Error smiled and kissed Nightmare passionately.

"I can handle the cold dummy"
Nightmare chuckled kissing Error and carried him bridal style.They didn't noticed someone was watching them.
"Error why?"
Ink quitely whispered as his heart broke in a million pieces

Ink's Pov
I was looking for Error.He was nowhere to be found.Then i saw Blue and Carrot lying at the ground.He went and woke them up.

Blue got up.Hissing in pain on how Error threw them.He saw Ink
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah i-im fine"
"How did you got here?"
Carrot got up and said
"Error saved us...I think"
"Error.....saved you?"
Blue nodded
"There was a count down that is displayed at our au.It looked like if Error didn't destroyed it we would have died.
"Where did you last saw Error?"

"He just opened a portal who knows where"
Blue said.

"I'll go.I created a house here.Just a few blocks away.Go"
Blue and Carrot thanked Ink and Left.
Ink got a lucky guess where he would be.
Nightmare's castle.
He got there and saw Error.He was peaceful.Until he saw Nightmare.He thought Nightmare was gonna attack Error and he got his paintbrush.But when Nightmare hugged Error his heart broke into a million and turned into a billion when Error kissed nightmare.
He cried quietly.His clothes turned dark and His eyes Red
Ink changed.
He became evil

"I'll make Error mine~"

Ohohoho.Someone changed for the worst.I'll be changing some thing in the descriptions ok?

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