Prom? 『τσdσrσκι』

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The dual haired realized he made a mistake when he chose lunch break to ask [F/N] out to prom. He walked briskly with his sign and bag and searched around in places he knew she'd hang around at.

Lunch break came to an end and everyone sat in their designated seats. Todoroki decided that he'd just ask her there but Mr. Aizawa came and asked for him to sit down.

"So, [F/N]. Already have a partner to prom?" Kaminari asked her excitedly, wanting to know.

"Yeah. How about you?" Shouto's ears perked up at her answer, disappointment washing over him.

"Yeah! You know that girl I was faced with at the sports festival? She actually said yes." The electric boy beamed, earning a thumbs up from [F/N].

"Just don't wear that icky yellow tie." She giggled, earning a gasp from the bright blond.

Shouto crumpled up his paper and froze it slowly, sighing out to try and calm himself.

---prom time---

Shouto still attended the event, completely oblivious to the group of girls drooling over him from his far left. His eyes skimmed through the crowd of masked people, trying to find [F/N] and her mysterious partner.

"Todoroki-kun!" Midoriya ran up to him wearing a green mask and suit, pulling Ochako with him.

"What is it?" He deadpanned, still searching the crowd.

"The plan's still up, right?" Shouto nodded a curt one, making him and Uraraka look at each other with a determined look.

The ballroom's lights all turned off, a spotlight focusing on the entrance. [F/N] has arrived and they plan on capturing her partner; an added last minute plan. She came alone and their male classmates groaned, tucking the potato sacks back into their suits.

The music came to a stop and present mic cleared his throat. "This song was requested by Shouto Todoroki," another spotlight opened but this time it shone on the half and half, startling him. "for [F/N] who didn't even say yes to his invitation, I mean c'mon! T- ACK! fine. Best part by Daniel Caesar. Yay." Mr. Aizawa karate chopped the nape of his neck, not wanting him to humiliate any student.

You don't know babe

Todoroki rushed to [F/N], the spotlight following him.

And kiss me slowly, it's the sweetest thing

He extended an awaiting hand to her, bowing. She held on to it tightly, trying to stop the tears from flowing down.

"[F/N]. Why are you crying? Are you uncomfortable-" he stopped when he heard her laughing, a genuine smile forming on her face.

"Todoroki, you idiot. I thought you weren't going to want and dance with me!" They started dancing to the music, his left hand held on her delicate hand tightly while his other hand rested on her waist.

Won't you give yourself to me, give it all oh

Other students started filling up the dance floor too, adding to the romantic atmosphere.

Shouto frowned at what she said. "I tried looking for you earlier at lunch but I couldn't find you, I then planned on asking you in the classroom but you told Kaminari you already have a partner."

"I'm sorry." She looked down in embarrassment but Shouto tilted her head up by her chin, gazing into her captivating [E/C]. Present mic could be heard from the back talking about kids these days but was hit again by Aizawa.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, [F/N]. Actually, I've been meaning to tell you something." He looked at the side for half a second and mustered up strength.

"If life was a movie, then you're the best part. Meaning, I like you."

[F/N] was overwhelmed by the new found information. Todoroki was about to leave her alone when she grabbed on to his wrist.

If you love me, won't you say something

"I-I like you too!" The boy's eyes light up and faced her.

"Then does this mean we're a couple now?" [F/N] blushed but nodded, making him grin with tears falling down, happiness building up in him.

He cupped her hands and leaned it, about to kiss her when he tasted a hand instead.


They stared at each other for a while before bowing in front of him to apologize, receiving a curt nod.

"Let's just kiss on our first date." [F/N] giggled with her eyes closed, Todoroki nodded with small smile, admiring the art that's in his arms.


The two decided to rest and sit at the table they were asigned in, thankful that they're sat together.

"This was requested by [L/N] [F/N]. Although I don't think she'd like everyone to hear this due to their current state," Mr. Aizawa motioned to the two. "Todoroki, you piece of shit I hate you. Why didn't you choose me to dance with. Hot and Cold by Katy Perry."

You change your mind

She widened her eyes in embarrassment and tried to hide under the table when almost the whole ballroom looked at her.

"Let's dance to this." Shouto said calmly and tugged her to the dancefloor.

"B-but, I requested that because I was mad!" She tried to persuade to sit down.

"That doesn't matter now." They stood at the center of the dancefloor, staring at each other. "And besides, this is my jam."


I liked this hope y'all liked this as well
( ゚ヮ゚)

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