gray 『ιzυκυ』

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soulmate au requested by @-_splendid_- // i know i said on the new update that I'm not taking requests anymore but i wanna write this uwu

the guy up there is chae hyungwon, he's a kpop idol and part of the group monsta x which i love v v v v v much


"everything changed color right when i locked eyes with him. i thought I'd only ever experience these kinds of scenarios on tv but, oh my god! we ran to each other a-" my sister turned off the television, an annoyed expression on her face.

"how much do even people pay them to come up with lies!? I've been with Luke for five damn years and i still don't know what colors are besides black, white, and gray." she said as she curled herself into a ball to hide her tears.

"I... guess I have to take the bus, huh." I muttered as I look at the clock, 27 minutes left before sekijirou sensei busts his lungs at me.

I lightly jogged to the bus station, looking at the long line with an expressionless face until suddenly my vision blurred and all i heard was distant murmurs.

"what the-"

"Why can't I see!?" A familiar voice yelled out.

if i can't see and that person can't see, then are we soulmates?

i forced my eyes open to see a foreign world, everything looked weird. everything looked livelier.

as I came back to my senses, I realized almost half of the line were gone and students from my school gathered around someone.

"excuse me." I squeezed myself through the crowd and saw Izuku Midoriya crouching down with his hands cupping his ears.

"what do you think you're doi-"

"he's my soulmate."

"[Y/N]?" The messy green haired boy spoke out, confusion written on his face. "really?"

the other students decided to walk to another bus stop to maybe give us some alone time.

"I've always liked you and tried making you notice me. i guess to say that I'm surprised that we'd end up as soulmates is a surprise itself." he said as a blush appeared on his freckled face.

"oh my god." i said as a smile formed on my lips at his shyness, throwing my arms around his figure and buried my face on his chest.

"so... do you wanna go on a date this saturday?" izuku wrapped his arms tightly around me then layed his chin on my head.

"of course."


I'm sorry this is short

i want dead

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