Welcome Back

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A/N 2024- Thank goodness this chapter at least had good bones it just needed some reworking. Hopefully, this is significantly better than the last one.

Back again.

Inside the police station.

Alex had to admit she had missed this place... and even some of the people in it

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the familiar damp air. Coffee, doughnuts, and piss. Same as always. Just how she remembered.

"Well thank god for miracles!" A familiar voice jarred the young woman from her thoughts. Despite best efforts, she couldn't help but let a smile through at the sight of the man with short gray hair approaching. "Are you actually back this time?" Before she could process what was happening, he pulled her into a tight hug. Slowly, she softened into the exchange, awkwardly hugging the detective back.

"Seems like I am. For now."

He laughed as he pulled back, taking in the sight of her. "Better be for a long while. God, we missed you around here!" She shifted, uncomfortable from the attention.

Alex chuckled, feeling herself warming up to him by the second. "Can't have missed me too bad Lestrade at least I've not been here to complicate things."

At that he nodded. "True enough, but we've also missed out on your help. You were always so good especially with him." She flinched. She had known, of course, that this topic would be broached eventually, but she subconsciously hoped to avoid it a bit longer. Though, she supposed, no matter when it had come up she would still be wishing for the same. "Have you seen him yet?" The detective asked gently.

She shrugged, trying desperately and unsuccessfully to play it off. "Haven't gotten 'round to it quite yet." At the disapproving look she received, she quickly added "I'll get to it! Eventually. I owe my brother a visit first."

He hesitated, finally nodding in agreement. "After that then. Soon. But you should know Alex... He's... He's not the same man you left a year ago."

Her stomach churned. A thousand thoughts rushed through her head, each scenario worse than the last. She clenched her fist, shaking her head as if to physically ward off the thoughts. "Can't imagine he would be, but he's better for it, Lestrade. I promise he is." She could tell the detective was contemplating saying something more, which only made her panic surge, but she could also see the moment he decided to let things be.

Lestrade smiled, throwing his hands up. "Right! Well, I'm assuming if you're here you'd like to be put to work?"

"Can't imagine a better welcome back. What have you got for me?"

He grinned, leading her toward his office. "Atta girl! This is a good one, I think you'll be interested. Three suicides all the same, all the same method, all completely out of character."

"Serial suicides?" She smirked. "I don't believe in coincidences, but even I'm having a hard time justifying such an unlikely scenario."

"Odd, innit? Seemed like your area."

"That's four now." Instantly, her eyes rolled on instinct as her least favorite detective, Sally Donovan stepped into view. She froze in the doorway, eyeing Alexandra up and down with what could only be summarized as disgust. "You? You're back?" She groaned.

"I see your observation skills are as stunning as always, Donovan. Bit tired are we?" Alex responded evenly, fighting the urge to smile as the female detective's jaw clenched.


"Why is she here?" She elects to ignore me as she turns to Lestrade, indignant. "She's just gonna leave again and take whatever classified information you're all-too happy to spill along with her!"

The more senior detective was having none of it. He waved his hands, motioning for her to settle. "You know very well why she's here, Donovan. Now if you don't mind doing your job, what's this about a fourth?"

She scowled. "Just got a call. Lannister Gardens."

"Damn it! At this rate I'll have to put Sherlock on the case before nightfall." Alex flinched at the name.

"...and this one is different." Donovan continues.


"This one left a note."

At that, Alexandra perked up. "A note? Wait a minute, the other three didn't leave notes?" Lestrade opened his mouth to respond, but she held up a hand to stop him. "No wait shut up, please I need to figure it out. No notes, same methods, cyanide pills if I recall... Places they shouldn't have been... One clearly having an affair, I saw the press release in a restaurant the other day. The wife was faking emotion and the PA was far too emotional to be anything but a lover. When I first saw it, I thought the wife might be involved though, in review, her tears seemed genuine. Besides, that theory was ruled out the minute the second incident took place. The eighteen-year-old had a friend with him, correct?"

"Correct, but-"

"Greg please shut up I am thinking. He's definitely one worth talking to, the friend I mean. Why didn't they stay together? And... The third one... She was in the government wasn't she? Otherwise you lot wouldn't have been in charge of the press release yesterday, that's really pedestrian for you. My guess is parliament... Why aren't Mycroft's people on top of this? I'll have to tell him he's being slow again god he'll love that... Any member of Parliament would have assistants with her, best to question them too... They might prove useful." She smirked, content in her findings. "Call him in to work on the current one, I'll work on the three previous. Don't let on I'm back. I've got work to do."

"There's our girl." Lestrade laughs, enjoying the sight of her at work once again. "Good to have you back, Alexandra."

She grinned, rushing towards the door as the excitement of the chase filled her. "Good to be back, Greg."

He shouted after her, "Do us a favor and don't go disappearing on us again!"


Alexandra stared down her phone. She should respond- No she needed to respond but something in her held her back. Staying, if you care.

She closed her eyes, sighing deeply. The case could wait for an hour or so. She owed him this. Slowly, she typed out her response, staring at it for what felt like an eternity before finally hitting send.

I care. Lunch? Half an hour

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