First it was Adopted by Janiel(which everyone loves)then it was Adopted by Septiplier(which is still being written)and then there was another one but that was for my book series,now get ready for....ADOPTED BY DANIEL HOWEll AND PHILLIP LESTER!
Dion's pov After we ate our lunch Dan and Phil tomorrow we were starting our first day in a new school,we went to our room and decided to play apocalypse of the damned."Apocalypse of the Damned!"Scott sang,"lv 9!"I sang."The cafetorium!"we sang together as we played the game,"Find the bad guy push him aside then move on forward with your friend at your side,it's a two player game so when they make an attack you know your brother gonna have your back then you stay on track and-"we sang."Ah!"I sang,"remain on track and-"we continued to sing."Gah!"Scott sang,"you use your force!"we sang."boys it's time for bed!"Dan said,we paused the game and climbed into our beds."night boys..."Phil said,"night..."we both said sleepily.they closed the door and we soon fell a sleep...
In the morning...
Dion's pov "Dion,Dion,Dion,Dion,Wake up!"Scott said as he jumped on my bed,oh yeah I forgot to tell you all about Scott!we here it is:
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Name:Scott Harold manning Age:15 Eye color:hazel Hair color:brown Sexuality:straight Crush:Cherry lightwood Childish Best friend:(Me!)Dion Drake Cooper Favorite show:Teen wolf Favorite musicals:Be More Chill,and Dear Evan Hansen ------------------------------------------- So now you know everything about my buddy Scott!anyways he kept on repeating my name until I woke up,"It's time to go to school!"he said."we're going to see so many hot chicks!"I gave him a look,he suddenly realized what he said and changed his words."uh I mean,one of us is going to see so many hot chicks!"I smiled and said,"that's better!"