Author's Note

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                                                   Author’s Note

This entire journey has been absolutely amazing for me. I have never taken the time to finish a book before. I lose interest, or I just lack the confidence to finish the piece. There are many people that encouraged me, but there is one person in particular that I’d like to thank. I’d like to thank @CrossingInfinity. This fantastic girl has continued voting for my story and commenting on my story. She has recommended my story and just helped me in general. She helped me see that my writing is worth something and stood by me in difficult times. I haven’t known her for very long, but I’m glad that I met her. If you want something that will make you laugh, cry and, so much more read her story The Art of Saving Paper. You will not regret it. I'd also like to thank my very best friends, Taylor and Hannah, for their constant support and love. I've known them for 2 or so years (give or take) and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I love you guys! Thank you again to everyone that has voted and followed and commented. You all are my inspiration.

On The Edge Of Forever has been a journey for me. I have written until the wee hours of the night. I have edited and edited and edited. I will probably continue to edit this story. I will say that this piece is my favorite to have written. I know that I have come a long way as a writer. My piece was inspired through different events in my past and other’s I have witnessed others going through. One day, I was sitting at home and I thought about the world. I thought about how cruel and dark it is. I thought about the stereotypes and all the people that don’t have anyone to talk to. Adults with depression and males with depression were some of the first people that crossed my mind. Society today does not recognize the fact that adults have depression, and it does not recognize that males have depression too. In my story, I used both a male teenager and a male adult to shed light on the subject. Teenagers are not the only people that struggle with depression, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, self-loathing, and so forth. Remember that everyone is struggling and remember that everyone is dealing with something. Stay strong. Stay beautiful.

I suppose the next step is my title. I chose the title of my story because we are always on the edge of forever. You can either go through life and live or something can happen and that option can be taken from you; thus, death being the forever. (Depending on religious beliefs) Well Jace and Arron both want to commit suicide and when Jace is standing on the cliff and jumping back and forth in his mind, he is dancing with the devil and standing on the edge of forever. He can deal with everything or he can end everything. Forever. When the idea came to mind, the story title followed nearly immediately after.

This story shows that life is not all sadness and that life is not all happiness. Throughout this piece, the characters experience pain, laughter, happiness, depression, love, and so much more. That is the way life is supposed to be. If we were always happy, life would get boring. You have to allow other emotions, no matter how much they hurt, to shine through as well. Every single emotion plays an important role in our lives, and that's why I chose to end the story the way I did. Life changes, and there is almost nothing you can do about it... Especially whenever it happens quickly and without warning. I just want you to understand that you can make it through anything. Anything. You have to try and push though. I'm not saying that it'll get better soon. I'm saying that it will get better and then worse and then better and then worse, and it will continue that way until you leave this earth in the form of death and continue on in your unending journey. 

I hope that you enjoyed On The Edge Of Forever. Thank you again for taking the time to read my writing.

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