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Rule Breaker

your both fourteen

Me and Finn had been friends for a year. He had his chill reputation at school and I had-no reputation actually I was just a kid in a crowd full of teens

I was made fun of by the popular girls and guys though they would never hit me or beat me up like that just talk smack.

My dad was pretty abusive and would slap me I would never tell Finn though he would freak out and do something stupid.


I woke up thinking about yesterday


"Dad please don't do this nothing happened I promise dad plea-YOU LITTLE SLUT YOU'VE BEEN HANGING OUT WITH THAT BOY AGAIN PROBABLY DOING SOMETHING A WHORE WOULD DO,I BET YOU'VE DONE IT WITH ABOUT EVERY BOY YOU SEE !!! Wuy the hell do I even deal with your shit Y'n it's your problems deal with them you selfish little bitch!" he screamed kicking me in the stomach,He had pulled my hair and stepped on my hand. "Go to sleep I don't want you to be late for school in the morning!" he shouted pushing me into my room. I feel on the bed and cried myself to sleep knowing I had a gloomy day ahead.

Near the end of school some kids came up to me and started say ing horrible cruel words no one could dare imagine. 'You know no one like you you freak'
'she's so wierd and fugly' 'wuy does Finn even talk to you!" 'How does he even take shit from you your so frickin selfish!"
Then it finally came one of the Jocks slapped me across the face "Don't ever show your ugly ass face here again" That's when I knew.
Finn's P.O.V

Oh god.

"Wuy wuy does he treat me like this? Do I disgust him? Remind him of mom? It's all my fault my mom died Finn I did it to her I drived her crazy near her peak,I'm the reason she killed herself,me I did that all,Finn I just wanted to say you've been a good friend and I'll miss you, also I didn't want to tell you this because I knew you would do something crazy dad has been abusing me since last year it was hard coping but now it's ok,bye"

Then the phone went off.

No she couldn't do this I couldn't loose her the one thing I care about,the reason I get up in the morning,the reason I'm still alive. The person I love the most the person that makes me feel loved someone who cares about me and my feelings,who doesn't care if I'm crazy or break the rules.
The person I love

I took my dad's Van because it was the fastest way to get to her.I was rushing through the streets passing lights trying to get to Y'n.

I pulled up in her drive way. I ran up the stairs.

Your P.O.V.

I had to do this no one truly cared for me except Finn,he probably felt sorry for me. I didn't deserve to be Finn's friend I don't deserve his respect and compassion,I don't deserve him at all. NO ONE DESERVES ME. People don't need me they don't come to me if they are happy or have problems I'm the one with the problems. But I'm the resolution to their's.

"Y'n Please open the door Y'n open it please please please open this door!" I heard Finn scream bagging on the door. I started sobbing "no this is for everyone's well being"

"No Finn go away" I was a bout to slit my wrists.

"NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME FINN,NO ONE CARES IF I DIE OR AM HERE NO ONE LOVES ME EVERYONE HATES ME THEY JUST WAN'T ME GONE!!!" I screamed at him.  "Y'n this will effect everyone people will feel like it was there fault for not doing shit,Y'n I care this will effect me one hundred percent please,Y'n wuy do you think I'm here I wan't you to be alive,becuase-beacuase"He just choked on his words then *BAM!!!* "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU I CARE FOR YOU I NEED YOU IN MY LIFE, IF YOU KILL YOURSELF TODAY SO WILL I!" he said taking the knife out of my hand and putting it in his.

I shoved it out of his hand. Then I threw my arms around him pulling him in for a kiss. For a second he was surprised then melted into the kiss,our lips mixed together perfectly like they were built for each other then he slipped his tongue in.

Then I pulled away he looked bummed,"Wuy did you do that" he said pulling me close to his chest. "Because we need to leave this stupid town do you have your bike" I said looking out the window I saw his dad's car. "Let's go" he said taking my hand and pulling me down the stairs. We hoped in the car and saw my dad pull up in the drive way.


We were on the freeway me and Finn were finally free and free together.I was happy for once in my life there's no place I'de rather be than with Finn.

"Your the reason I believe in life" I said putting my head on his shoulder.

Thanks for reading Byyyyye!

Thanks for reading Byyyyye!

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