Chapter Eighteen

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Jack rushed from the castle, fear and panic coursing through him. He had just been sent word that his mother was laying on her death bed, and now he just had to hope she would hang on, just for a few minutes. He avoided the commoners of the town, not replying to their greetings. He passed by multiple houses and buildings until finally he reached the one he was looking for. He opened the door and rushed through the old house, quickly entering a room. His mother lay on the bed, a doctor standing nearby.

He walked forward and stood by her, fearful that she might already be gone.

"M-mother, it's me, J-Jack." His voice shook and tears pricked his eyes.

"Jack...?" Her eyes slowly opened. She appeared to be in no pain, just drowsy.

"I'm here m-mother, I'm h-here."

"Do not cry, please. Celebrate my life, do not mourn my death." Her eyes closed half way. He held one of her frail hands in his. He nodded in agreement at her words, saying nothing in fear his voice would crack. She smiled gently, resting her head back in the pillow. Her eyes closed all the way.

"And Jack, remember to follow your heart." Her voice was quiet now, very quiet. Jack had barley heard what she had said.

"Okay, I will." He whispered. His mother smiled faintly. Moments passed and soon her face began to grow pale. Her hand went limp in his and her chest ceased rising and falling. Jack closed his eyes, struggling to hold in the tears. She was dead.

Two days had now passed since his mother's death, and he was managing. Death was apart of life and Jack would just have to hope that she was in a better place. His other four hunters had arrived the in morning, and now he had to convince them that the wolves were not the enemies. He slowly opened the door to the room where he decided for them all to meet. Ten men he knew quite well sat around a table, all their eyes on Jack.

"I hope you journey's went well." Jack said, nodding his head to the four new hunters. "Now then." Jack sat down in the chair at the end of the table.

"We have things to discuss, and before I begin, let me finish." The hunters looked at each other in confusion, searching fro someone who knew what he meant. Thatcher raised an eyebrow, which surprised the hunters. Everyone had figured that Thatcher would know what is going on.

"I have recently learned that, well, there are people fighting for the wolves. And they told me that, the wolves are not the enemies, we are." Instantly yells broke out through out the room. Jack stood up. "Shut it you mutts! I told you to wait till I was finished!" The ten hunters quickly settled down, but still did not look happy. Thatcher looked unsure, clearly unsure if he should believe his commander.

"Many years ago, humans and wolves lived in peace."

"Yeah right, humans and wolves?" Jack glared at the interrupter, Joel. Joel shrunk down in his seat, uncomfortable from the glare from his commander.

"Anyways, one day a man noticed the wolf's pelts and killed one. He sold the pelt and earn a lot of money. He saw this and gathered some men and killed more wolves. The wolves only kill our flocks in spite, they do not attack our kingdom. Men found dead are only found deep within the woods. Don't you see? Humans are the enemy here. End the attacks, and we can restore peace." Jack looked around at the hunters, unsure of how they would react. Many seemed unsure of it, while others were nodding in agreement and seemed to believe him. Jack felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Thatcher.

"If you believe it is true, then I believe it is true." Jack looked at him gratefully and turned to the rest of his hunters. Most by now seemed to accept and believe his words, only Joel looking doubtful.

"I will listen as you are my commander, but I will not believe you." Joel spat before standing and leaving the room. Jack shook his head, watching the hunter go.

Jack walked through the woods, his eyes flickering around. He needed to apologize to Little Wolf. She needed to at least know he was now on her side. He sighed. How he wished he had never said anything. How he wished he had just listened to her. He hated himself for what he did. He stopped in the small clearing, where they always met up.

"Little Wolf, Little Wolf, are you here?" His voice was shaking slightly. He waited, but was only met with silence. His eyes scanned the trees surrounding.

"I don't know if you are here but, I might as well say it. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I should of listened to you. You were right though. The wolves are not monsters, they only wish to survive just as we do." He paused, listening to the sounds of the surrounding nature.

"We started this war, humans started this war, and I intend to finish it. And there is no excuse for what I said, and-- you do not have to forgive me. You can hate me, it's okay, I understand. Just, know that I'm on your side, okay? And know that, I'm sorry, and that I hate myself for what I said, and that--" Tears pricked his eyes. Jack ran a hand through his dark hair, taking in a deep breath.

"and, know that I care about you, I really do." He closed his mouth, silently watching the trees.

"Maybe I can't handle the thought of you hating me." He muttered with a chuckle.

"What would I do without you? Maybe I would go insane. Please, please tell me you are here. Please tell me you heard me. Please, just let me see you one last time, just a glimpse. Please." His voice shook, threatening to crack. Minutes passed, he could not be sure of how long he had stood there.

"Please, please just show yourself. You don't have to forgive me, just--" His voice sounded desperate. He blinked his eyes in attempt to rid his eyes of the tears, but a few slid down his cheeks.

"Okay, you've made your choice then. Just, just know that, I-I, I love you, Little Wolf. So, much more than I should. Not just as a best friend, but--" His head lifted at the sound of something hitting the ground. She stood up, watching him silently. Slowly she stalked forward on two feet, her eyes not betraying her. It was unknown to Jack what she was feeling. Would she harm him, forgive him, he did not know, what mattered at the moment was that she had heard everything, and had granted his one request. She had revealed herself. She continued forward, her gaze never leaving his. He braced himself, preparing for the unknown. She stopped only inches away from him, her eyes never leaving him for even a moment.

In the blink of an eyes she grabbed his leather tunic, her claws slightly tearing the faded leather, and pulled him forward, crashing her lips onto his. Shock coursed through him, this was not what he had expected. On instinct he kissed back, his hands going to her waist as her hands remained holding his tunic.

Slowly she broke away, a small smile on her face, faintly revealing sharp teeth. Her head rested on his chest, her gaze finally breaking off from his.

"And I love you. Not just as fri-end, but, as mate." Her words were quiet, but held truth. A grin broke out on Jack's face. He faintly recalled the meaning of mates in the wolf pack, it was like being married, but without a huge celebration or ceremony. With mates one just asked the other and they were mates. He knew the fact that she had said that was important though. He lifted her head so that there eyes met.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" He asked. She nodded, a smile on her face.

"Thank you. You forgave me, and feel the same. I swear this is a dream." She laughed slightly, shaking her head.

"Not a dream, this is real. I-I want you to be my mate." Her gaze broke away from his again. He smiled gently.

"How could I say no? I would be honored to be your mate." She smiled, leaning her head on his chest, his arms wrapped around her.

"And together we can end this war and restore peace. We can show them that wolves and man can live alongside each other."

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