Chapter Twenty-Five

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The dagger embedded itself in the dirt, only centimeters away from Fire-Flower. A small smile formed on her lips as Jack held out his hand to help her up. She grabbed his hand and he pulled her up. "I knew I cou-ld tru-st you." She murmured. Jack turned his gaze towards Raolin, who looked shocked. But that shock soon turned to anger, his eyes blazing.

"You just had to kill her! Was it truly that difficult to do? I am ashamed to have once called you my son. You are a disgrace to the Grosvenor name." Raolin spat, drawing his sword from the belt around his waist. Jack's eyes narrowed, his hand reaching for his sword.

"I merely happen to know the truth, father. You are blinded by greed." The word father was like venom on his tongue. Raolin only chuckled darkly, a cruel smirk plastered on his face. Quickly Raolin advanced on his son, jabbing at him with his sword. Jack managed to evade the attack, swinging his blade towards his father's arm. Raolin quickly blocked the attack, their swords hitting against each other, the sound of metal scraping against metal echoing through the trees. Both pulled their swords back, glaring at one another with hateful eyes. No longer were they father and son, but hunter and

cavalier loup.

The fight continued on for a while, both attempting to strike the other. Small cuts littered both their bodies from their opponent but neither had any serious injuries, nor seemed to plan to back down any time soon. Lunging forward suddenly, Raolin attempted to plunge the sword through Jack's throat, he managed to evade it, the blade slicing across his cheek. Jack winced from the new cut, it felt deep, droplets of scarlet trickling from the fresh wound. Both circled each other for moments, awaiting for the other to strike. Suddenly Jack lunged, Raolin deflected his attack and both quick struck at one another. Countless times their blades struck one another, it seemed as if the fight would be endless, they were evenly watched. Both were fueled by the same thing as well, hate.

The danced around one another jabbing and swinging their blades at each other. They were both swift. Suddenly, Raolin stumbled, falling backwards. His sword went flying as he fell to the ground. He used his hands to prop himself up, staring up at his son, who held him a sword point. Raolin glared at his son, not bothering to retrieve his sword, which lay only a couple feet away.

"Very well then, you have won Jack. Strike me down. Kill me." Jack studied his father for a few moments, not moving.

"No, I will not kill you. I'm not you, I will let you live. Run, run far, far away, and live in shame. Live in shame to know that your own son defeated you, that you failed as a hunter, that you are not the great Raolin Grosvenor you once were, but what is left of him." Jack turned away, walking away from this man who he once considered his father.

"Jack!" He heard a panicked yell. He turned, fear flashing through him as Raolin swiftly stood and lunged forward, his sword in hand. There was no avoiding it, it was to late. He was done for. His eyes shut tightly, awaiting the excruciating pain of death. But he only felt a gust of air and heard a bone chilling scream. His eyes opened to a horrific sight.

The large golden wolf had come to his rescue just in time. Raolin had been knocked to the ground and before he could realize what was happening, his flesh and internal organs were being ripped out of him. An endless shriek escaped his mouth as the wolf tore out his insides, eating him alive. Crimson blood flowed freely onto the ground, staining the grass surrounding him. Blood coated the golden wolf's muzzle as his knife like teeth tore through flesh, snapping bones. Large paws held the thrashing man down as tortured screeches echoed through the forest.

Finally, the golden wolf stood, stepping away from the bleeding hunter. A large pool of blood stained the ground, and it only continued to grow. Raolin's eyes were glazed over, his face frozen in a look of pure fear and pain. Nearly all of his stomach and chest and been tore out, his left arm barely attached to his body. The upper part of his legs had bites taken out them, deep claw marks lining the lower half of his legs.

Lionheart only looked proud as he stared down at the dead man he had mauled. Soon, the rest of Jack's hunters and the wolves who had fought joined him, staring emotionlessly at what was left of Raolin's body. "We should just leave him hear to rot." Jack said, not fazed much by Raolin's death. As far as Jack was concerned, his actual father had died years ago. Lionheart said something to the wolves with him and soon the wolves were crowding around the man's carcass, tearing away the flesh and bone that was left.

"Eaten by wolves, now that was the burial this man deserved." Thatcher commented, silently watching the wolves feast. Lionheart watched his pack members eat for a moment before walking over to Jack. The large wolf dipped his head to the hunter before lowering himself to the ground, as if bowing to him. Jack looked around, feeling unsure, as he realized all attention was now on him. The wolves looked surprised, the hunters confused, and Fire-Flower had a grin on her face. He looked to her for help. She nodded her head to the Alpha's back. Jack swallowed thickly was stepped forward. Carefully, he lifted himself up onto the wolf. He let out a yelp of shock as the Alpha stood. The golden wolf truly was bigger than a horse, just as the legends had said. Jack grinned, his hands gripping the thick fur to hold on. He understood what this meant. These wolves were intelligent, and the Alpha had allowed him to ride him. This truly was an honor.

"And in conclusion, your highness, the wolves only wish to live in peace along side us. We no longer must fear venturing out into the forests, if anything, the wolves will protect us." Jack stood before the king, his hunters behind him. Lionheart stood next to him, proving to all who saw that the wolves were not savage creatures. The king looked at Jack, taking in all he had been told.

"Well then, Jack Grosvenor, I believe it is time a new law was set forth. I, King Sadon, hereby declare that no wolf in the forests surrounding our kingdom shall be harmed. If one is to harm a wolf, man, women, or child, then I allow the wolves to inflict punishment they see fit." The hunters cheered, happy to know they had succeeded. They had restored peace, peace that had not been upon this land for a hundred years. Now was a golden age for the kingdom.

Word quickly spread of the new law, along with the truth of the war. Seeing Jack riding the once feared Alpha brought hope and joy to the people. Now all could live in peace, no longer fearful when they heard a howl or warning their children not to wander to deeply into the woods. Now, humans and wolves could live alongside one another.

A celebration was held soon after the declaration of the law. There was dancing and music and all was well. A grin sat on Jack's face as he danced with Fire-Flower. They were not the best dancers, but that was not what mattered. What mattered was yes, Jack was a hunter, and Fire-Flower a wolf, but it no longer mattered. No longer did a war started by greed keep them apart. Now, it was just Jack and his Little Wolf, no more lies, no more wars, no more insane fathers. It was just Jack and his Little Wolf.

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