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theauburnroden: when your mom says, "you're coming with me to see IT."


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thejosieliu: why not?! It was approved by that stupid fresh apples website


theauburnroden: *Rotten Tomatoes. thejosieliu


thejosieliu: I really don't give a shit about what their name is theauburnroden


theblonderoden: hi josie how are you? thejosieliu


thejosieliu: oh hi ms. roden. excuse my language theblonderoden


theblonderoden: remember to watch what you tweet. I'm a hip mom with twitter thejosieliu




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theauburnroden: ew i don't want to see anything of the Heathers rip-off in my feed thejosieliu


theblonderoden: that's my daughter right there. I've taught her well. theauburnroden


theauburnroden: i had a good teacher  theblonderoden

Holding Your Hand ☻  Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now