0.06 Instagram
theauburnhoden: hello nature, nice to see you again
100 comments|2580 likesthejosieliu: ginny weasley has nothing on you
thejosieliu: also how the fuck are you famous?
theauburnhoden: I'm as clueless as you thejosieliu
finnwolfhardofficial: you look like a fairy
thejosieliu: I think I know why ^^
theauburnhoden: Is that suppose to be a complement? finnwolfhardofficial
milliebobbybrown: no wonder Finn talks about you all the time.
wolfhardisdaddy: ew this is the girl Finn likes?
damonthellias: cute
thejosieliu: ^ oh my god!!!
theauburnhoden: SHHHHH thejosieliu
finnwolfhardofficial: i think so
Holding Your Hand ☻ Finn Wolfhard
Fanfiction"All I care about in season 2 of Stranger Things is if they reference Heathers." "Um, what about if Mike survives?" "Nah, you can die. All I need is Winona saying, 'How very.'"