Ch 2 - Do I like him?

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Samson's Pov

I mentally hit myself in the face as Kellin walked away. I'm such a dork. Why can't I just be normal for once in my life?

I sat down at my desk and thought about Kellin. Wait... why?

I'm pretty sure I'm straight then again, that feeling I got when we touched makes me contradict myself. Maybe I do like guys, I mean I didn't hate the touch of him at all. Definitely didn't hate it, I actually sort of liked it. I almost had the feeling of wanting to stay there, wrapped in his arms. No no no, I have to be crazy.

I hid my face in my arms because I was beginning to blush. How could I like a guy? How is this possible? I'm not gay am I? I can't be gay.

I rubbed my hands across my face to make the blush fade and attempted to put my mind elsewhere.

Isn't there a football game tomorrow, ooooo Kellin should go with me......stop brain! Algebra, yea thats a good alternative, The formula for finding the area of a circle is... not Kellin!

My thoughts were all over the place when class started so I payed attention as much as I could, yet he was still in the back of my mind. Classes flew by and it was lunch. 

I wondered where Kellin sits, so I walked over to the small grassy area where I had found him before. It was empty so I decided I would just sit alone. It was stupid of me to think I'd find him.

I threw my bag down and put my arms behind my head, taking in the sun and looking at the clouds. I started to doze off and closed my eyes, falling asleep.

When I realized I was asleep, I quickly opened my eyes. Kellin was lying next to me. We were face to face, him looking at me and smiling. My face went bright red and I sat up, backing away a little. When the hell did he get here?

"Finally awake?" he said propping himself up with his arms.

"How long did I doze off? Wait, where'd you come from?" I questioned, starting to panic a little.

"Not to long, about 20 minutes from when I got here," he laughed.

His laugh was beautiful, and instantly regretted that thought. I cleared my throat and replied, "Oh......that's good. Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Didn't want to, you just looked so cute," he said sticking his tongue out at me.

Careful, I'll bite it off...... wait what?

I shook off what I thought and said, "Well you should have, I don't want to miss class."

"I would have when the bell rang, I'm not that mean," he laughed, "What do you take me for?"

"I didn't mean that..."

"Hey Samson?" he said looking into my eyes.

"Hmm?" I gulped, looking back at him.

"I'm having a party, you should come."

"I'm not much of the party type."

"Aww come on please?" he pleaded. I couldn't resist. He was giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"But I barely know you."

"Well you can get to know me then."

"Alright fine..... I'll go." I said. He smiled at me and then jumped on me, knocking me to the ground.

He straddled me and I looked at him in astonishment. My face felt hot and he just looked at me, smiling. 

"I'm just really happy that you're going to make it, I don't have that many friends you know."


"It's ok, you can be my friend right?"

"Mhmm," my face got redder the longer he was on me. He gave me a mischievous smile and got off of me, "I was right." He sat back down in front of me.

Why was he so happy?

"What do you mean?" I asked sitting up.

"Oh...... it's nothing." he smirked. I sat there and pouted at him.

He seemed so... what's the word..... stuck up or confident. What could he have meant? Did my reaction give it away? No he would have probably been disgusted if that's what it was. But what was it?

His reaction was killing me. I needed to know why he did what he did. But no, I must die in anticipation.

Later, Kellin told me all the info for the party. The address, phone number, and the date it was on, which is tomorrow. Great. I wasn't really looking forward to a party environment, but if he wants me to go, I'll go.

School ended so I walked home. When I got there, my mom was in the kitchen making dinner as usual.

"Hey mom, I'm home." I said, heading towards my room.

"Oh..... hey honey," she yelled back from the kitchen, "How was school?"

"Good. The usual." I couldn't tell her I was crushing on a guy, that's for sure.

"Well come have dinner, you can do whatever homework you have later."

"Alright be right there." I went into my room and threw all my stuff onto my bed then went back to the kitchen for dinner. She had made chicken with a side of steamed vegetables.

"It looks amazing, thanks" I said sitting down at the table.

"I'm sure it's not that good," she laughed, putting some food on my plate. My mouth began to water. I hadn't eaten since yesterday. I didn't eat much.

"Dig in," she said sitting across from me. I ate my food hastily and was done in a little less than 5 minutes.

"My gosh, you were hungry," she gasped.

"I'm sorry," I said, scratching the back of my head.

"I'm just glad you enjoyed it."

"Yep, thanks," I said getting up from the table. I went to my room and started on my homework. Things between us were always awkward without dad.

Hmmm sum of inside angles of regular polygons. ~Sigh~ this stuff is stupid. When am I going to need this in life.

I finished my homework surprisingly and then decided to watch a little Netflix.

I scrolled through the shows and finally decided on "Sword Art Online" my favorite anime. I sat on my bed with my laptop, plugged in my headphones, and tuned everything else out.

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