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"An animal attack?" I asked

"The camper that was found lost a lot of blood" Charlie mumbled dejectedly while he looked over to me "He didn't make it"

I knew it wasn't an animal it was obvious. In all my years I had never really heard of an animal that just went for a human's blood... I knew it was one like us, a Vampire.

I also knew it wasn't my family so it had to be someone from the outside, someone passing through. I figured Carlisle would have known by that time as to what was going on so I had a feeling that I should have probably be getting home sometime soon.

If there was another vampire around then I knew that we were going to have to kill them to protect the people of Forks.

I had to protect Bella.

"So what happens now?" Bella asked folding her arms

"We're going out there tomorrow bright and early to have a look. Billy and Harry are coming with the sheriff's department to see if we can hunt it down" Charlie said while folding the paper neatly and placing it in front of him

"Are you sure you should be going out there?" I asked raising my eyebrows skeptically

The last thing I wanted was for Charlie to be killed by a member of my species

"We have too" Charlie shrugged "I'm just going to head to bed but Alice you're welcome for as long as you want. Bells I'll be gone in the morning so I'll see you tomorrow night"

"Okay well be careful" Bella said timidly

"Always am" Came the simple yet meaningful reply from Charlie

He walked to Bella, kissing her on the forehead and he headed towards the stairs

"It was very nice to meet you Alice" Charlie said with a tired smile "You're welcome over whenever you want"

"Thank you and It was nice to meet you too Chief Swan" I replied as politely as I possibly could manage

"Call me Charlie" He said as he disappeared up the stairs

Bella and I were silent for a few minutes after Charlie had gone upstairs to bed. I fiddled with my hands in front of me while Bella stayed staring at the newspaper with a furrowed brow and her arms folded

"That's actually really scary" Bella shuddered "I mean that could have been anyone"

"Yeah" I said trying my best to pay attention to what she was saying but I was distracted in my own mind

"Should we get back to our work?" Bella asked awkwardly

"I think...I think I should get out of your hair. We did quite a bit today and we can finish this another time" I mumbled

"Oh. Well you don't have too. You're more than welcome to stay" Bella said shrugging "In fact it would be nice to have company seeing as Charlie's gone to sleep"

"I would love to Bella I really would but I should get back. Can I take a rain check on that offer?" I asked hopefully

Bella smiled slightly and she nodded slowly

After I rushed upstairs to gather my things; Bella walked me down to my car where we paused just before the driver's side door

"Thanks for having me over" I said with a grin "It was fun...as much fun as school work can be anyway"

"Any time" Bella said nodding "It was fun just hanging out"

"Well I'll see you tomorrow" I said as I backed up slowly

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