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"You taste even better than you smell. You realize that right?" I asked

"Same goes for you" Bella spoke

I unwillingly untangled my arm from her neck, standing to walk to the window

"I'm sorry, the scent gets a little too much for me sometimes" I muttered looking outside "I'll get used to it though, you have nothing to worry about"

"So there'll be more of that then?" Bella asked

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't hoping for it" Turning back towards her, I could see her lips turning up into a grin

"You're too cute" She replied happily

"Actually, you're the cute one" I replied shaking my head

"Feeling better?" Bella asked cautiously

"I'm fine" I replied nodding

To prove my point I quickly moved to sit next to Bella on her bed, leaning my head on her shoulder

"If there was no danger in killing me and I allowed you, would you drink my blood?" Bella asked suddenly

"Where did that come from?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows but I kept my head on her shoulder

"Well you said that you have to get used to the scent and I was just wondering, if there weren't consequences, would you do it?"

"No" I answered straight away "I mean, yeah of course I would be overly tempted too but no because I wouldn't want to take any chances on hurting you"

"I don't think you would hurt me" Bella replied as I felt her arm wrap around my waist, pulling me closer "I just don't think you could do it"

"Bella I wanted to bite you when we kissed. I wanted your blood" I explained quietly "I can't imagine what it'll be like when we kiss for longer"

"So you intend on kissing me again huh?" Bella asked, chuckling

"As much as I can get away with" I said smirking as I lifted my head from her shoulder to have my lips inches from hers again.

I wanted her to close the gap if she wanted to kiss me

"Let's see" Bella mumbled before she closed the gap between us

Once again our lips greeted each other and I felt as if I was going into a frenzy. If this didn't start my heart beat then nothing would because I had never felt that way before in my life. Bella made me feel alive; she made me feel like I was on fire.

I loved the warmth she brought to my body, it was magical. Something felt familiar when I realized that I had seen this in a vision years ago when I saw us together. Our kiss lasted for a few minutes, our lips were just getting to know each other and my hands were getting tangled in Bella's long hair. I pulled away with reluctance, burying my head into Bella's neck.

She laughed quietly before I felt her lips next to my ear

"You okay?" She asked whispered hoarsely

"Fine" I muttered

"Need some fresh air?" Bella asked

"I think I need more than that" I said as I placed a gentle kiss on her neck which produced a shiver through her body "Am I too cold?"

"That was a good shiver" Bella whispered

I once again untangled myself from Bella, as difficult as it was I needed space. I stood at the foot of her bed, and she turned to face me.

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