Chapter 7

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After flying around for what felt like hours, you finally found the Box Ghost floating above the Nasty Burger. "Hey, Box-y!" Danny yells, causing the Box Ghost to glare at him. "Beware Phantoms! For I, the Box Ghost..." Danny coughs, "Box-y" interrupting  the Box Ghost's usual ranting. You snicker and glance over at Danny. He just floats there with an innocent look on his face. "What?" He asks, smiling and winking at you. You laugh and shake your head, turning back towards the Box Ghost. Apparently, he is annoyed with your interruption, for when you turn back towards him, you are slammed in the face with a cardboard box. "Ouch!" You exclaim, rubbing your forehead.

"Are you okay?" Danny asks you, shooting an ecto-ray at the Box Ghost. "Ugh...fine. I'm fine." You groan, taking out a Fenton Thermos. You uncap it and aim it at 'Box-y'. "Time's up, Box Ghost." You say as you click the button. The blue beam shoots out, sucking the Box Ghost into the Thermos. Danny floats over and you high five. "Nice work, apprentice." "Apprentice?" You exclaim. Danny shrugs, with a smirk on his face. "Well, I am teaching you aren't I?" You float down, sighing. "Whatever. Let's just get back and put this guy into the Ghost Zone." You shake the thermos, to emphasize your meaning of 'this guy'. Danny nods and you take off for Fenton Works.

***Time Skip***

Danny and you are walking upstairs from the lab, discussing your name. "How about (random ghostly name)?" He mentions, looking at you. You shake your head. "No doesn't sound right." You arrive in the kitchen and sit down at the table. "How about...(random ghostly name)?" You stare at him. "What kind of name is that!?" Suddenly Maddie walks in. "What kind of name is what? What are you two talking about?" Startled, Danny struggles to come up with something. You sigh and turn towards Maddie. "Just a game we're doing to see who can come up with the best name for a female version of Danny Phantom." She tenses up at the mention of the ghostly hero.

"I wish you kids wouldn't worry about that piece of ectoplasmic scum, but if that's all you're doing, I'll leave you to it." With that said, she walks out. Danny looks at you in shock. "How did you...?" You look back at him and say, "Practice, Danny. Practice." He sighs. "Anyways, how about...(ghostly name similar to one of the baddies)?" You glare at him. "(same name)? Really?" After a few seconds, a look of realization appears on his face. "Oh! No, defiantly not (same name)." Sighing, you put your head in your hands. "It's useless. We'll never come up with a good enough name that no one will notice it's me."

You get up and walk up to your room. Danny follows, and stops you in front of your door. "Hey. You don't need to get so stressed out about a name. Are you okay?" You sigh. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired, that's all." You know it's a stupid excuse, but he seems to take it. "Alright. Well, if you need anything, just let me know." He smiles, then walks into his room. You watch him, then walk into yours. You flop down on your bed, face first. 'I really can't believe Danny is actually helping me. I'm nothing special.' You think to yourself. You roll onto your back, sighing. "Why me?" You whisper to yourself.

Suddenly, a blue wisp of air comes out of your mouth. You jerk up, looking around your room. Slowly standing up, you call out, "Hello? Is anyone there?" You start inching towards the door, hoping you can get out and get to Danny before anything happens. 'Just a little more...' You think, reaching your hand out towards the door handle. 'And...Got it!' You grab the handle and yank the door open. You run across the hall and knock on Danny's door. "Danny? We've got a situation!" You wait for a response, starting to get nervous. After a few seconds, with no response, you knock again, louder. "Danny? Danny!" Frowning, you reach for the door handle. "Danny, I'm coming in!"

Without waiting for a response, you open the door and walk in. Three steps in and you freeze in horror. His messy room is even more messy now, with burn marks all over. Also, there is glowing ectoplasm covering one wall in clumps. You cover your mouth with your hand. "D-Danny?" You whisper. Slowly walking in, you try to find a clue about who it was. Suddenly, you trip over something and fall on your face. Looking at what tripped you, you see a ripped ectoplasmic net across the floor. "Skulker." You growl.

Standing up, you run downstairs and out the door, ignoring Maddie's exclamation of surprise. I turn into a nearby alley. "I'm going ghost!" You yell, raising your arms above your head. A few seconds later, the rings complete your transformation. Steadying yourself, you jump into the air, flying up to get a bird's eye view. "C'mon, where are you?" You say, looking around in the air and on the ground. Soon enough, you hear the sound of a ghostly wail. "Danny!" You fly off into the direction the sound came from.

A few minutes later, you look down to see a human Danny on the ground with Skulker knocked out underneath a half crumbled building nearby. You fly down and land next to Danny. "Hey, are you okay?" You ask, putting your hand on his shoulder. Looking at you, he says, "Yeah, I'm *pant* fine." He grabs his Fenton Thermos and walks over to Skulker. After sucking him into the device, Danny walks back over. "Never had to ghostly wail Skulker before. He's getting new skills, fast." He says, changing back into his ghost form.

"Don't worry. We'll figure this out." He nods at my response. "You're right. But, I think we should talk to Clockwork though." He slowly floats upwards. "Sounds good." I respond, flying up next to him. "Let's go get Tucker and Sam first." "Good idea." He replies.

***Time Skip***

"Okay, wait. So you're saying you're not from here, and that you have ghost powers exactly like Danny?" Sam questions. You had picked them up on the way to the lab. You look over at Tucker. "I think it's cool. I mean, dimension travel? It's awesome!" He exclaims, smiling widely at you. Chuckling, Danny walks over to the Spector Speeder. "You could say that. Anyways," Danny says. "Do we have everything?" He looks back at all of you and you all nod. "Then let's go." With that you all climb into the Speeder and take off into the Ghost Zone, headed to Clockwork's tower.

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