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In a world full of betrayal, there's no one else to trust but yourself.

Growing up as an only child, it was hard for me to build relationships. The only relationship I built was of me and my parents, Maggie - our pet dog, and Annalise - my babysitter.  I never participated in a play date, I haven't gone to the park nor have I hosted a sleepover. Growing up,  I stayed home, read books and watched Discovery Kids.

My parents decided it was really important for me to be home schooled, so I was home schooled until 8th Grade. My mom was my teacher, lunch lady, principal, and classmate. She taught me the alphabet down to the Pythagorean theorem. She taught them all. But what she didn't teach me was how to make friends.

On my first day of high school, I got lost more times than I can count, got yelled at "Hey, watch where you're going" about 5 times and I accidentally, I swear it was an accident, spilled food on someone.  I am officially at the bottom of the school hierarchy.

The good thing is, I met someone - an acquaintance. But sadly, she was the reason why I managed to accidentally spill food on someone. She tripped me on purpose. Janice appeared so nice and yet she was ready to make a fool out of me.

Dear You,

People may appear nice but don't let that entice you, trust no one.


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