Henlo I es Jak Dingle and I am ready 2 4 lesson.
Less: roch wazowski
Roch es good bud of mine, he is very sometimes angry and softlyRoch als o enjoy being bisexx becuz puss taste like e popsicle y diockle taste like diockle and dioclke es mucho gusto. He es so Bsex that he announced beeing slightly homo in hospital
He also try 2 confirming hayness w/ jerry hetrpo
Butt Roch es a good bud y es a good man 2 morder comfy and soft homes.
Butt Roch es a good boyo, and deserbe love and realext because he is a man who is very Bi yet vry nice. E appreciates tú mucho
This is my
roch wazowski and he tastes like cherry cheeto dust.