Untitled Part 3

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I may not be like every other girl in the world, I'm not skinny, pretty, I don't have long and beautiful hair. but I do know that I am an chilled, relaxed and caring person to be around I will do things with you know other girl will do I will go sky diving with you for god sakes if that is what it takes to show you that It Is good to date someone who is not like every other girl out there. All I'm saying is that It would be great if there were more guys in the world that would date girls who are not all fake and date girls that don't pretend to be someone they are not. and it would also be good if all these girls didn't just chose the fittest and hottest guys out there because when it comes down to it, the hottest and the fittest guys usually turn out to be jerk and complete assholes. i know sounds mean but its the truth and by the time you figure this out and go and find the guy that asked you out for coffee or what ever one time but you declined it because he wasn't one of those people, he will have found someone that actually sees him for who he is on the inside not the outside and if he hasn't found that special someone he will most likely decline you like you did to him that one time just that one time he asked you out for coffee.

That is the whole point of me writing this little chapter. I feel that I am surrounded by all these girls and guys that feel like they never get anything out of the life they are living now and that makes me feel so angry and annoyed at this planet and the people who live on this planet, and I hate feeling like one of those people who do not fit into this little group of people who have no idea what we are really like because they have never actually though of betting to know us and what amazing people we are and what we can be but I and everyone else out there who feels like they cant be who they want to be I just want to say whether heaps of people will read this or not is just be yourself don't give a fuck about what stupid shit people say to you It is nothing but words don't let them make you feel bad and make you feel like you cant do what everyone else does, because when it gets to the end it will be YOU who is going to come out on top for being the stronger and better person. when someone says something rude or offensive to you just shrug your shoulders and walk away don't let them see it hurt you. eat what you want, wear what you want, feel how you want and most of all don't listen t all those people who tell you otherwise whether it is your family, people at school or teachers. they don't decide how you feel they don't make the final choice its you, you make that last choice for you and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

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