6: third times' the charm

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Time had gone by in the field right below the Eiffel Tower in the heart of Paris, as Alya, Alix, and Nino were playing frisbee and Adrien, Lila, Marinette and Kim were playing UNO.

Marinette still had a tight feeling in her stomach about even coming at all. She knew this was a straight up recipe for disaster, but she decided to fight back.

She didn't know why she wanted to. Probably because she hated bullies? Was there more to it than that? Only time would tell.

"Your turn, Marinette." Kim snapped her back into reality as she looked at the top card on the deck, a pick up four.

"Thanks, Kim." She tried to joke, but in her peripherals, she could feel Lila's eyes stare her down like a predator and prey.

And she knew she wasn't the predator.

Marinette drew her four cards. "What colour did you change it to?"

"Yellow." Kim replied.

She takes a quick glance at her cards before placing a 6 with the corresponding colour.

To her left, Adrien scratched his chin and placed a red 6, confident he was gonna win the game.

Marinette rolls her eyes without him looking. His small smirk was annoying to look at, since she was so close to winning, there was no way she was gonna lose. Especially to him, of all people.

"So..." the tall football jock begins speaking as he shuffles in his spot. "Where you from, Marinette?"

She looks up with her wide blue eyes, a blush dusting her cheeks. She wasn't comfortable just yet with the people around her.

"I'm originally from Paris, but I just came from China where I was studying design." Marinette fiddled with a loose thread on her skirt.

Before moving back to Paris and working towards a scholarship to her destined design school, she took 5 years studying in a smaller school for "fashion forwards" and future "Gabriel Agreste's". After that, she transferred back to Paris because of her grandfathers' passing, and her dad having to take over his bakery.

It was okay though, because there was a small design class at DuPont High that Marinette made sure she was enrolled in. She was working towards her scholarship to be an apprentice at Agreste Inc. To work with her all time favourite designer Collette Agreste.

Who just so happened to be the mother of the picture perfect specimen on her left.

"Oh, that's so cool!" Kim replied. "Lila's also doing design."

The spoken of brunette lays down a red 2 more aggressively than necessary.

Kim coughs and sweats a bit before placing a red 7 on the pile. "What a coincidence."

Marinette smiles. "That's awesome! Maybe you could show me the ropes around here." She directs her statement right at Lila.

DuPont High's princess plastered her smile and replied whole heartedly. "I'd be glad to!"

Marinette swallows. Hard. She knows it's a white lie. Of course, Lila is in design too. Not only do they have an English project together, but they'll probably have Design together.

"I actually did a bit of modelling in that school for a bit this year." Adrien pipes up. "Not for long, but I taught a bunch of people."

"Funny how I've never seen you around." Marinette spits, almost rolling her eyes for what might have been the umpteenth time today.

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