Harry Potter and the Vampires of Forks

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Harry Potter looked out over the desolate grey that was the pacific northwest of America. He idly fingered his wand in the back pocket of his jeans, a habit he had gotten into since he had left England. He had been sent here to investigate the appearance of a large group of newborn vampires. That had been at least 3 months ago, and now he was unsure as to why they had sent him now anyway. He pulled his wand out and lit the end of it, the sun had set and it was getting harder to see. The air was cold, and he pulled his jacket up around him to fend it off. Now that he was here he had to find a place to stay, and tommrow he would search for the newborns.

The eyes that watched wizard were brown, almost a reddish color, but not the bright red of a vampire, the deep earthy red of a werewolf. Jacob Black had been following the newcomer for over an hour. Something did not sit right about him. Beside Jacob, Renesmee sat crouched sniffing the air.

"He's human, but his blood smells different then most. Something is slightly off about it."

Jacob merely growled in assent. The breeze shifted, bringing a new smell to his nose, the smell of a full blood vampire. He looked to his left to see Alice daintly walking up to him.

"Bella wants Renesmee to come home, she says it's getting late."

Jacob nodded his head, and turned to go, but as he did, a twig snapped under his big paw.

Harry turned at the sound of the twig. It came from the woods to his left. He raised his wand, but couldnt see beyond the trees, not from this distance. He very slowly walked to the edge of the woods and looked between the trees. He still couldnt see anything. He listened for the sound again, but after a few minutes when it didnt come again he turned back to the edge of the cliff he had been standing on. He pulled a small one man tent out of his backpack and set it up, it would have to do for tonight.

Carlisle Cullen sat in silence as Jacob and Renesmee told their tale of the newcomer. How his blood smell different and of how he carried a stick with him everywhere he went.

"He's a wizard." Carlisle said to them. "And he's here for nothing good i can guarentee you that, i will go up tommorow and talk with him, but no one else is to do that, not until i figure this out."

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