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A/n OMG 650 DUDE JESUS. This chapter is about you two just sitting on a park bench and you're asking soooo many questions.

"Hey peter" I say with a wave and stride over to the bench and sit next to him, "oh hi y/n" he replys with a big smile. We sit in silence for a while and then I randomly bring something up "have you met the avengers?" I ask staring at him. His face instantly brightened up "yea! I stole captains shield, and met tony stark a lot and fought half of the avengers!!" Now he was really giddy. I was surprised that he had met them, but he is Spider-Man so yea."OMG THATS SOOO COOL ONE DAY MAYBE YOU COULD TAKE ME TO MEET THEM YESSSSSSSSSS PLEASE PETER!!!????" I practically screamed "uh idk I'll have to ask tony" he said still really excited "what was it like did you beat anyone?" I questioned. "Oh yea I bet falcons ass" he said acting all cool.
"Wow, good job spooder man!" I congratulated. "Haha very funny" he giggled. For the rest of the day I asked him annoying questions and later went home.

A/n sorry this is really short I'm getting writers block lol woops it took me ages to write this oh god

Tom holland/spiderman x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now