chapter 2

430 19 2

he didn't deserve you

B L I S S   D O W N E Y

I stare back at myself in the mirror in my room. My gross blond hair is curling at the ends and greasy at the top, but I don't care. My eyes are the color of a silky chocolate bar, but apparently Im not good enough. According to dickhead Cayde.

My heart was broken by my best friend a couple of days ago and I think my spirit left me. When I revealed my feelings about him he just gawked at me. Stupid crush. I knew it would end our relationship but I had to tell Cayde that I loved him and wanted to be with him. 

He proceeded to shake his head and speak in the most calming way a six foot person could. 

"Sorry Bliss, but I dont feel that way about you."

When he said that, my stomach dropped and a whole hole opened. He walked out my door and then got into his car to drive away. I havent seen him since. That happened last week, so I decided to actually go to college like my father told me to. I wasnt going to go before because of Cayde, changed. Thank God I got accepted into this one. Now I never want to see his perfect smile again. Or that look of pure sadness when he said she didnt feel that way about me.

So Im doing what I do best. Running. 

Im sitting in my dorm room at the vanity my father got me, that fits perfetly in the tiny space. Photos of my dad and I sit on my dresser top int he corner, and my small bed that creaks is against the wall. My roomate hasnt shown up yet, but Im hoping she will soon. 

I unpacked the moment I got here, and placed all my charging cords and clothes away. I also set my bed and put on my memory foam pillow on top. Sighing, I fall off the chair to my vanity and collapse onto the squeaky bed. I wince as it echos through the lonely room and roll over.

Will I ever get used to this?

I dont know if Im talking about the bed or the fact that my best friend is gone. I don't dwell on it because in that moment the door to the dorm room door bursts open, and in comes a laughing girl with an extremely hot guy following behind her. He is laughing as well and mentioning the word "cruise" over and over. 

I bite my lip in jealousy at how beautiful the girl is. Her brown hair is falling over her shoulders perfect pin straight and her eyes are a really beautiful color. Her body is nice as well, since she is wearing combat boots and some short denim jeans and a crop top. She's so pretty.

I sit up in my bed as she comes in and her friend follows along. But my brain gets other ideas. What if thats her roommate and I'm in the wrong room? That would be so embarrasing. I'd have to pack all my crap up again and leave.

"Oh. Hi!" When I hear the girls voice stop laughing, I snap my head up and look at her. She is waving at me and her eyes have a nice tint to them. I know shes super nice already. Her hand has a huge ring on it, and she is waving at me. Her friend notices me and gives me a small smile and a wave. I feel a rush of something in my stomach and shake my head.

Hes so hot. Shes so gorgeous. And based on that ring on her finger and the love in the dudes eyes they must be dating. 

"Hello," I wave and walk over to shake her hand. I feel the cool ring hit my fingers as our hands clasp. 

He Thinks Im Jealous I Book 2 (shorter)Where stories live. Discover now