The Best Moment!!

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So back to her best moment in her life.
Larissa was so happy,she was holding a little Labrador puppy in her arms. The puppy was white with brown eyes. This was love ❤️at the first moment. He is a boy, his name is Alex. Larissa was crying for happiness,she couldn't believe it. Larissa and Alex went together inside. After all Larissa went shopping for Alex with her Mother. They bought a bed , dog food, dog treats , dog toys and a dog leash. Then they went home. When they arrived at home Alex was looking at the window and waiting for Larissa. He was so happy when Larissa and her mother went inside of the house. It was Friday so Larissa played with Alex till dinner. After dinner she went bathing. When she was finally finished she went downstairs to look at Alex. Alex was sleeping,he looked very cute. That's why Larissa went up. She went in her room and  lay down on the bed. She taught:,, What for an exiting day."

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