Chapter 2 Getting around The Lodge

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"Hi I'm Skye Hart," said the girl behind the counter.
"We know who you are," I replied giggling a little. "I'm Hannah by the way." We all introduced ourselves and Skye led us to our rooms.

Skye had long blonde hair and blue eyes she was a sixteen year old girl who returned to the lodge with her father Ed Hart after the death of her mother. She now owns the Lodge but Gil Matthews is determined to take it down, but Skye is determined not to give the lodge to Gil but needs help from a few super fans.

It was about 4 o'clock by the time the four of us had unpacked and settled down. We took a look around the lodge and saw all the different rooms and I couldn't help but scream in excitement it was exactly how it looked on tv. All the rooms were so colourful! The lobby had blue and white splatted walls with a fire on the right, on the left was a couple chairs and in front was the desk with keys behind it. The rec room had 'blue and white' walls and 'orange and red walls,'on the left side there was the stage, on the right there was a mini table and speakers and at the back of the room there was a green sofa. The juice bar could've pretty much had a theme of green as everything in that room was like a lime green colour with tables lade out everywhere, and fruits and juice were lade out behind the counter.

We eventually entered the juice bar and Sean Matthews and Ben Evens were serving the drinks in there, My heart skipped a beat and started racing. Sean and Ben introduced themselves and gave us a free drink. "So what are your names?" Asked Sean. "Err... my name is... H... ," I mumbled staring into Sean's dreamy eyes. "Hannah," Dove helped out. "And I'm Dove, this is Sabrina and charlotte," Dove carried on replying to Sean's questions while I just stared straight into Sean's eyes.

Sean had brown hair with a mini side fringe to his right, he had blue eyes and had worked at the lodge for a long time, he didn't have much of a happy life as he worked at the lodge and his dad Gil Matthews wanted to shut it down.

Ben Evens had brown hair and turquoise eyes. He had worked at the lodge since Skye's Grandad had run it, he had a good life working there and when he was on his breaks he would go biking with Sean.

The girls said goodbye to the boys and went to the rec room, it was packed with visitors but in amongst them visitors was Kaylee and Noah. Somehow Kaylee and Noah knew who we were so we just spoke about why we were there and what we were going to do for the rest of the day.

Kaylee had long brown hair which sometimes she tied up in two double Dutch braids, and brown eyes, she loved to sing and wanted to be famous but her stage fright just stopped her from pursuing her dream. She had worked at the lodge a few years and then went to a music school in the city but was missing the lodge so left to come back.

Noah had brown hair and brown eyes. He had worked at the lodge since Kaylee had, them two were really close friends. Him and Kaylee always wrote music together and he struggled to write without her. They both have strong feelings for each other but won't share them.

As we were heading back up to there room to get ready for dinner we bumped in Danielle Clark who really only helped out at the lodge because she was Skye and Kaylee's friend. Skye introduced us to Danielle. Danielle didn't like the fact of having super fans stay at the lodge for a bit but just acted like she was fine with it.

Danielle Clark had black curly locks hair, and brown eyes. She loved fashion and make up and is really into beauty. She appeared on a TV show called My Amazing Life, and may have a possible minor crush on Ben Evens. She didn't have a good life to begin with as she had no friends and Sean broke up with her and all that stuff but she has friends now and has moved on.

A few hours after dinner Skye came up to my room and asked how my day had been. While I was talking to her Skye's phone went off . "It's Josh, it's Josh, it's Josh, it's Josh!" Went her phone. Skye answered, her and Josh had about a 5 minute discussion about us four coming up and that he was coming to visit the next day. After Skye and Josh stopped talking I said goodbye to Skye and she headed off to check on the other three girls. As soon as Skye left the room I went to bed looking forward to another amazing day at the lodge.

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