Chapter Thirteen- It wasn't a bird.

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Looks like we're back to square one.

Steve was ignoring me again.

If I'm honest, it felt like all the avengers were. Every time I saw them, they usually had their heads turned the other way, even Natasha and she would never stray from a fight. That's when I knew something was up.

I'd finished training for the day and went looking for Tony, the only avenger who could look at me for more than five seconds. I saw him walking down a corridor, back to his lab.

"Tony, wait up." I lightly jogged to catch up to him.

He turned around and gave me a quick glance and then back to whatever notes were in his hand, "Hey, kiddo." He immediately closed them.

"Don't call me 'kiddo' " I said, my throat still recovering.

"My mistake, how about cupcake?" He had a smirk plastered ear to ear.

I groaned," Have you been getting cosy with Johnny?"

"No, but it appears you have."

"I preferred the days when you called me by my first name."

He thought for a moment and considered, "I'm willing to refer to you as Vivvy."

"I'll take what I can get." We both began to walk back to his lab.

"So what can I help you with?" We both entered the lab, he immediately hiding a lot of papers and files, "Sorry, you know how Fury is about keeping everything hush hush."

I sat on top of his desk, "I get that, but I was hoping you might want to give me a few more hints about some things."

He began working on something, it looked like a centrifuge, "I may be willing to spill a bean or two."

"Why were you wearing a suit?" I asked him.

"What?" He asked, not taking his eyes off of his work.

"The day I got sent back home, you were wearing a suit, every other day, you would have been a lot more informal, so what made that day special?"

He froze for a moment to think over his answer, "I seem to recall saying that day that it's important to treat yourself every once in a while."

"Yes, however what I've gathered about you is you can be a tremendous liar when you want to be. That day I had never seen anyone lie more blatantly. Makes me think that you wanted me to know that something was up." I threw my amazing detective skills at him.

I could see him beginning to crack under the pressure.

I stood up from the desk, "You and the rest of the avengers are hiding something from me. What is it?"

He had cracked.

"Look," He stopped working and looked me dead in the eye, "If I tell you this, you can't get mad, okay?"

I nodded my head, "Okay."

He sighed, "For starters, we all thought it was a terrible idea, but Fury got the final say in this case. Basically, the day we brought you in, whilst you were unconscious, we ran a few tests on you."

"Kinda rapey." I noted.

"That's what I said," He agreed, "But your blood test was what stood out. There were chemicals in your blood, chemicals that aren't meant to be in there. Most of them were elements and compounds that we had never seen before, the only one that was identifiable was potassium. The thing is, the concentration of the chemical formula was too high to have been from a while ago, it looked as if you had ingested it that day. We came to the conclusion that someone was drugging you, but we didn't know who, so-

"You sent me back out to find out who it was." I finished his sentence.

"Viv, I am so sorry. We all disagreed with it, but our backs were against a wall, it was out only plan." He regretted to tell me.

"It still doesn't explain why you had a suit on." I wheezed.

"It's because I had spent all night arguing with the heads of SHIELD against it, trying to change their minds." He pleaded

I let this new found information be absorbed. I was angry. Because they were curious, I nearly died. I was also relieved. I knew why Steve was avoiding me now.

"So why was HYDRA drugging me?" I breathed.

"What?" He was confused.

"HYDRA, why were they drugging me?" I asked again.

Tony got to eye level with me and firmly placed his hand on my shoulder, "Vivian, I want you to be very careful with what you say next, why do you think HYDRA is behind this?"

I looked at him bewildered, I thought he knew, "A few minutes before Dean attacked me," his name made my blood boil, "He was on the phone to someone, I'm not sure who, and before he hung up he said 'Hail HYDRA'." I explained.

Tony took a few steps back and combed his hair back with his hands, "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I thought you knew." I defended.

"This changes the game completely." He was freaking out slightly.

"Wait, what do you mean?" I was confused.

"Viv, they have been controlling one the worlds most intelligent and most dangerous people. HYDRA don't mess around." He was close to shouting, I don't think his anger was aimed at me.

"What are you saying?" I was asking a lot of answers that weren't getting answered.

"How could we have been so oblivious," He smacked his head, "Those months that you were unaccounted for, before you lost your memory. You weren't off doing your own thing, they were using you."

"Tony you're scaring me," I began to raise my voice too, "What do you mean they were using me?"

"I think we're going to find out." He said solemnly.

His pupils were fluctuating, as if they were shaking. I looked in to his eyes and saw fear. This was something new for Tony.

Suddenly, we were hit with a large amount of turbulence, knocking both Tony and I to the floor.

"The hell was that?" I groaned.

"Something tells me it wasn't a bird." He moaned.

That's when the speakers came on, "All agents resume battle positions, we have incoming HYDRA air forces coming our way."

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