Chapter Thirty One- Raven.

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Violet came running up to me, as giddy as ever.

"Vivvy!" She squeaked.

I bent down as she ran towards me and hugged.

"How come shortstack gets to call her Vivvy and I don't." Tony complained to Bruce.

She wrapped her tiny arms around my neck as I swept her of her feet and stood up to my full height.

"I didn't know you were friends with superhero's!" She exclaimed.

"Neither did I." Ben grunted, sarcasm dripping from his mouth.

"Thanks for bringing her here." I told Steve.

"Kid needs to be with her, uhhh...What exactly are you to Violet." He asked, clearly confused.

"She's my Vivian." Violet answered on my behalf.

"Violet, what do we say about interrupting people?" I asked her softly.

"It's for rude people, like HYDRA." She responded.

"How does she know..." Clint began.

"She doesn't, she just knows they're naughty people." I answered Clint, whilst looking at Violet.

"Vivvy," Violet looked at me using her puppy dog eyes, "Can I play with the invisible women, please?"

I looked to Susan, trying to see how she felt about it. I knew out of everyone here, she would be the best person to care for a child, so I trusted her not to take Violet away from me.

Susan smiled at her, "I would love to play with you, but you should know I'm great at hide and seek."

I put Violet on the ground and she ran over to Susan, immediately holding her hand, where they went in the next room to play.

Once they had gone in to the next room, I let out a sigh, "Really Steve, I can't thank you enough for bringing her here."

"She's just a child, I wouldn't use her as a pawn in a game." He assured me.

It felt strange to meet people that didn't use every weakness as leverage.

We all sat down, "So when you said that HYDRA was holding something over you, you were referring  to Violet?" Natasha asked.

I nodded my head, "That was until Logan took her in to hiding."

"Where is he anyway, I've always wanted to meet one of the Xmen." Tony looked around.

"Superhero's and whatnot isn't exactly his scene." I told him.

"So why take her out of hiding and bring her here?" Reed asked.

"Because, she was staying with Charles Xaviers school for gifted youngsters. There's some bad blood between us and Violet doesn't have any mutant powers, it was just a matter of time before he figured out who Violet was." I elaborated.

"Does she know what you do?" Natasha asked.

"She knows my work can take a few days or weeks at a time, but no she doesn't know I kill people for a living."

"I think you mean, you killed people for a living," Tony corrected, "Haven't killed people for months now."

"No one that you know of." I corrected him.

"Well what now?" Bruce asked, "I mean, avengers tower isn't exactly child friendly and there's like a terrorist attempt here every other week."

"Well from my account, none of them seem to have been successful. What I wanted was for her to be surrounded by probably the strongest people alive and I've achieved that." I answered.

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