ch 5

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Hope shows up early to position herself. She hid in the science lab, where there was a small window in the upper west corner of the room that showed her the entrance to the school. Perfect, she thought. At around 5:35 Amanda showed up, dressed in a black shirt that said #readytoparty, ripped jeans, and her hair done in a perfect ponytail. She walked to the gym expecting to see Hunter, but she saw no one. Moments after walking into to gym, Hope walks in. "What are you doing here?" Amanda asks obviously having no clue that Hunter isn't actually going to show up, "I'm meeting with Hunter. Why are you here?"

"Why are you so mean?" Hope asked pacing around Amanda creepily.

"I asked you the question first, loser"

"Well, since you're so insistent, I'm here to, well, threaten you. With what, you may ask. I have no pencil, I have this," Hope said pulling the gun from her backpack.

"I bet there's nothing in that. It's just another stupid thing that you have." Amanda replied adding an eye roll to the end of her sentence.

"Yeah, you wanna bet?" Hope replied cocking the gun.

"Ok now you're kinda scaring me. What do you want?"

"Good. I want nothing but revenge. You had your choice to be nice and stop me. You decided to offend me and my friend. But, at this point, I should just kill you."

"No. Please don't." Amanda said backing away from Hope.

"Oh, but I think I should. It would be the most perfect thing for most of the school, actually," Hope responded.

Just as she said that, Ethan burst through the doors wearing a look of terror. "Please Hope, don't do this, please," Ethan pleaded, jumping in front of Amanda. Hope thought Stupid. Why does he do this to me? Fine, I'll just shove him out of the way, no, he'll go tell the police or someone. I have to kill him too. No, I don't. He is the only thing worth living and fighting for. I love him. He is my best friend. I couldn't hurt him. I could never do that. But, I have to. He can't tell anyone. Ever.




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