Hello dear community!

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Hello and welcome to thisLGBTQA+/ LGBTQIAPD Guide for the people that may or may not be part of the community, either you're an ally or you're very gay. If you're completly new to that special world (that is extremely gay), well.... you came to the right place to culture yourself about how different love can be to everyone. 

In this guide, I talk about sexualities, genders, prides, gay historical stuff, homophobia, questionning and also about the wonderful and colorful flags!

I inform you that you're never too young to decide what sexuality/gender you are! (I mean adults pressures children of young age what job they want to do later... why sexuality/gender shouldn't be considered at young age too, right?!)

Remember also that sexuality CAN change during your life! You're not stuck with your sexuality forever! Things change and don't worry about the others who can't understand: it's not your fault!

Now have fun reading this guide and go get some (gay) knowledge!

Also...you can comment about what sexual orientation and gender identity you identify yourself! You can maybe help me with the chapters that has less information and that I'm less familiar with so I can inform a bit more myself and others! Thank you :)

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