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It's raining....

And it's currently flowing to my wh0le b0dy...

I'm cold , miserable and at the same time , i'm t0tally h0peless...

She leave me...because love don't exist on her anymore

She's my everything yet she l0ve s0me0ne

We promise to be forever!!!

But its gone...Why?

Because she's inlove with my 0wn brother...

I'm asking her n0t to break up with me but still she insist!!!

I want to die!!!

Lalong lumalakas ang bugsok ng ulan..Lalo ko ring naramdaman ang mga luha na umaag0s sa mga mata ko

"if valentina of darna d0es exist!!! y0u might die here..." she c0vered me her c0at and put the umbrella

"Rain d0esn't kill..but it can make y0u feel better.." umupu sya para pantayan ang taas ko

"d0n't waste y0ur time..marami pang gaya m0 na higit sa pr0blema m0.." then she stand and smile...

"You better g0 h0me!!" and then umalis na sya...

I left their speechless?

Who's that girl?


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 26, 2014 ⏰

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