Chapter Four: Sides Fight

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My P.O.V:

Angel Bendy and I walk down the pearly white halls and we both stop at a certain room. He opens the door and inside are angels, all ages, colors, genders, and sizes inside. He takes my hand and walks me into this room. The door behind us automatically shuts itself up gently. I turn back to Bendy as he lightly takes me to the center of the room and in front of this angel teacher behind us.

"Bendy? Is this the new student with you?" the teacher asks Bendy. He looks behind him and nods with a cheeky smile. I shyly smile to the angel teacher as I face forward. I see so many faces look at me and I can feel myself blush in shyness. I'm not used to this much attention...

"YO! BIG NERD GOT A GIRLFRIEND!" A random voice booms as lots of other angels laugh at Bendy and he looks down in embarrassment and shuffles his feet together. My blood boils to see all these angels here are asshats! The teacher behind us glares at all the students as they all go dead silent.

"Now that isn't a good way to talk to our classmates or this new student." The teacher announces to everyone as he calmly sits back down in his seat. Wow... is this guy Jesus or something? Bendy proceeds to speak.

"U-Um... this is our new student. Janis, she's a real nice person. And she also-."

"Where are her angel wings!? Or at least halo!?"

"Let ME answer that," The teacher tell this angel's question. He sits up from his chair again and looks at everyone in the classroom; "Principal Lillie doesn't know for sure which side she should be on. Wether it's the angels or demons. She's going to be taking classes in both schools."

"She could be a traitor! If she isn't going to be for sure an angel. She'll sell us all out on our studies and secrets! It'll give all the demons a better chance in destroying us all when we are released into the forest of life and death!" A girl Angel complains to me. I looks down in shame as I feel a hand on my shoulder. Then it brings me close to Angel Bendy's chest. A blush hits my cheeks as I try to hide it.

"Stop it! It can't be all bad right? I mean, think about it. Sure she'll go to both schools. But think about it like this... if she goes to the school of demons. She also gets to learn about the demons! She'll give US an advantage against them!" Bendy exclaims as he still holds me close. What going on!? He's never like this!

"That's true... Well, I guess we all can accept her. As long as she learns about the demons and SHARES that information with us angels!" Another random Angel exclaims. My eyes widen as I hear this. Are they all serious right now? Roars and cheers spread all over the room as they support this one random angel's idea. Bendy even supports this idea!

"Anyways.... we are angels. We do not cheat in our studies. Only we study our OWN kind and not our opponents! The same rule goes to demons, we do the best we can in our private ways. Janis will NOT share information about the demons nor will she share anything about us demons!"

Every angel groans as the angels in this classroom glare at me like I just betrayed the school system already. Bendy gives me a sympathetic look as I sigh in sadness.

"Mrs. Janis, please follow Bendy to your seat." The teacher tells me and I nod. Bendy takes my hand as he walks me up the rows of stairs with aisles of seats on both sides. I feel daggers poke holes in my back as each row of angels glare at us. He lets me go as he makes it to his seat. One row back from me he takes his seat as he points to me to the one in front of him. I shuffle into the aisle as I find my seat and I sit.

Time Skip........

Wow, feels like hours of class when in reality it's really only about one hour or half an hour. I look at my schedule and I see I now have a class on the demons side of the school. I sigh as I know already that the demons are going to have the same reaction to me like the angels. I shove my stuff into my pink backpack as I put it on my back and I exit my classroom. As my heels click at the ground, I can feel eyes making my movement go slower and more uneasy. I exit the White Castle that is somehow a separate school. As I look forward I'm walking on the bridge as I see the other side look more dark and gloomy. This is for sure the demons side. I take a deep breath as I stick one leg out and I stomp it down. Now I'm on the demons side. I pick up the rest of my body and I start moving into the demons wide field. The grass is unnaturally black. I can see this is unnatural as for the angels have some of the freshest and cleanest grass ever! I walk more as I see the demons turn there attention on me. I look down at the ground as I walk shyly into the school. I open the doors wide open and inside is black walls, demon posters, crimson roses everywhere, and of course the classical lockers and classrooms. I walk down the halls as I feel even more eyes look at me. For some reason I feel like I'm gonna cry, but I can't! Not in front of all these demons. I swear I'll be bullied for life! Someone bumps into me and they're so strong that they manage to truck me down to the floor. I drop the Angel books I used in the angel school along with some notes. Oh shit! If someone reads these I'm done for!

"Hey fucker! Watch where your going, if you need some shitty glasses why not wear them? Just make yourself less beautiful than what you already are. Oh wait! But you already are ugly!" That sentence stabs me right in the heart as I feel myself shatter. I sniffles as I quickly try to grab all my angel notes and books. The asshole looks behind his shoulder and I look at him as papers are still on the floor; "J-Janis!?"

"M-Mugs!?" I ask in shock, I for a second feel relief. Then what I imagine him say to me five seconds earlier slaps me, I grunt as I finish picking up my angel notes, "I WOULD be happy to see you, but for some reason I heard you just say to me I'm... 'ugly'?"

"Oh crap! I-I'm so sorry! Janis please... I was just in a really crappy mood..." Mugs apologizes to me truthfully. I look at him and I see he has red demon horns along with a long black demon tail. I guess Mugs is a demon then...

"I-Its fine... but please don't say something like that again to me. You know how sensitive I am!"

"I got that, I'm so sorry Janis..." Mugs tells me as he wraps me up in a hug. A smile breaks onto my lips as I hug Mugs back. He's taller than me so I have to go slightly on my tippy-toes to hug him correctly. I sigh in relief as I feel Mugs sigh in relief as well. We pull away and I look into his blue eyes.

"Is anyone else we know here?" I ask him. Mugs scratches the back of his neck as he thinks.

"Well, there of course me, Bendy and Ozzy. But everyone else is I bet in the wimpy ass Angel side. I can't even believe Cups is in there, it pisses me the hell off," Mugs informs me as he rolls his eyes, thinking about the angels. I look down at my books and notes I have from the angel side. Why is everyone so against each other!? I snap back to reality as I hear Mugs speak again; "So Janis, what'da say?"

"Um... what?"

"I asked is I can see those angel notes and books of ours." Mugs tells me again. I hug onto my stuff as I shake my head.

"I can't, it's against the school rules. BOTH SCHOOLS!" I complain, Mugs sighs then looks at me with a disappointed face.

"Fine, but it's your loose. Anyways, let me see your schedule so I can take you to your class." Mugs tells me, he starts to walk down the halls and I tag behind him. I hold tightly onto my books as I avoid any possible eye contact with other demons.

Why are demons and angels like this?

(A/n: Hiya! Janis_The_Bunny here! Here is the four chapter of this AU! I'm so happy to see this book is slowly getting more and more views! Thank you all so much and I'm hoping you all continue reading this along with future ones coming up!)

That's all for now of Janis_The_Bunny! Stay tuned next time for me!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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