Tell Us About Yourself or Why Should We Hire You?

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Tell Us About Yourself:

That Dreaded Interview Question

I am as "common as dirt". (Creative Nonfiction, 39). But out of my commonality- growing up as a small town girl who loves the smell of freshly cut hay in the summer and the fairgrounds in September, comes something that is not common – and that is Me.

I grew up on a ranch – so what? Big deal. But growing up on a ranch gave me drive, determination, a love for the simple life. Growing up on a ranch gave me an appreciation for beauty. An appreciation for hard work. gave me an appreciation for rewards – work hard; reap what you sow.

I grew up in a small town. Once again, so what? What I learned from that was, and to this day is, simple – learn to keep your nose out of other people's business. Yes, Edna gossips with Nellie every day at the coffee shop about the town. DO NOT add your name to her list of "news". I grew up in a town where the newspaper comes out weekly; where by the time it's released the gossip mill has already covered every story just as accurately. A town where the most interesting thing to read is the "News of Record" to see who got hitched, divorced, or put in jail. What has that taught me? What has that made me? It has made me a person who wants to stay out of the limelight, who doesn't want her name mentioned by Edna or Nellie, who doesn't want her name posted for the entire county to read every week. What small town living has done for me is made me want to be a good person. One of those people who when Edna mentions my name you'll hear no negativity. Dependable, caring, loving, and dedicated.


I didn't go to a "real" college. Or so some have said. Everything I've done was virtual. Virtual classes, long distance learning. Do you know what I learned? I learned time management, prioritizing, and so much more about juggling work, life, and school than most would even understand. I have spent evenings at the baseball fields – filthy from working all day, sitting on the bleachers while my sons practiced, reading online books or posting discussions. Do you know what they saw? They saw a dedicated mom there for them when they needed it. I've spent hours into the night reading or doing homework while my kids slept peacefully in the other room. Do you know what they remember? They remember mom reading them a bedtime story before tucking them in; instead of being gone.

I grew up swimming, hiking, camping, mudding, four-wheelin', hunting, fishing, and getting dirty. Do you know what that made me? It made me appreciate the fact that I can change a tire, check the oil in the car and fix a broken rig. I can find food so I never starve. I know what mushrooms to eat and which ones to avoid. I know which berries will kill you, or how to cook a crawdad. I'm a survivor. I learned how to fend for myself – get out there and be a self-starter. No one is going to do it for you. I know how to handle stressful situations. Have you ever had your tent flood in spring rains when you have a weekend planned at the lake? Yep – we learned fast how to dry blankets with a propane heater. Ever broken a bone while hiking? Yep – one broken knee later and you learn quick how to handle stress.

So, when I say I grew up on a ranch in a small town in Eastern Oregon – don't think of me as the country bumpkin – I'm the best candidate you got.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2017 ⏰

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