All in one night

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Delilahs pov
We sat there smiling like idiots not even talking,it was like me and Felix when I found out I liked him.No,that's insane I don't like Henry.For gods sake I'donly just met the boy and he has to be at least a year younger than me!
I looked away quickly and excused myself and went over to Felix and Peter
"Peter I'm going to bed,goodnight.Felix walk me to my room."I meant it as a suggestion but it came out as more of a order.I didn't care I just needed Felix alone as soon as possible to sort these feelings out.

We approached my room

"Goodnight"he said and started to walk away and I grabbed his shoulders as he spins around while I crash his lips to mine in a passionate manner.We break the kiss and I look up to see a smile on his face.
I know now,those sparks are something I could only have with him and I love him.I was being silly, Henry doesn't fancy me.That smile Felix has is the smile I always want to see the goddamn cutest smile in the world is the one I always want to see when pull away from a kiss.
There we are,staring into each other's eyes again just smiling.
He leans down and gives me a quick peck on the lips.
"Goodnight"I say as we pull away and he doesn't leave until I close the door.
Peter's pov
Felix came back to the campfire,and I could have sworn he was smiling a little bit under that hood but when he saw me the smile quickly turned into his serious more normal face.
I'll admit I don't exactly like Felix and Delilah being good friends,two people very close to me and I'm right in the middle.
I push the thought from my mind when someone sits on the end of the log I'm on.
"Peter,what's on your mind?"I hear a high pitched voice say and I don't even need to turn to know who it is.
"Nothing,Wendy"now I turn to give her a 'I'm telling the truth' look but she doesn't back off
"You can't lie to me Peter Pan"she says with a small reassuring smile that Delilah always uses when she needs me to talk to her about something.Its a characteristic I like about girls.
"Fine,come with me"I take her hand and transport us to my Thinking Tree at the top of the tree and I lean on one of the larger branches.
"So,what is it?"Wendy pushes
"Delilah and Felix are friends"I say
"Is that really it!"she laughs
"Yes but the thing is,Delilah and Felix never even spoke before she told me they were friends.It wasn't as if  they hated each other but they were not friends.Now they seem inseparable,it's weird"Wendy thought for a minute before a look of a breakthrough crossed her face following another look of realization.
"Peter,is Delilah allowed to date any of the lost boys?"she asked carefully
"No,she's my baby sister.We made that very clear when we came to Neverland."Wendy had another look of realization on her face but this time followed by a smile
"What is it?"I ask "nothing,it's adorable how protective you are of your sister"she says still with a smile
"Really?"I say smirking.She nods and scoots closer to me
I look into her deep blue eyes and the distance between us closes.The kiss starts off soft but transitions to a passionate style her lips were so soft.We finally pulled away after a while to catch our breath.
"Goodnight Peter"she said before I teleported us to the ground and she went back to her tent.i spent the rest of that night staring up at the stars from the same tree.Id always been a sort of insomniac and the night became more of a time of deep thinking more than for sleep.
I was thinking about everything.Life in the other realms,Wendy,Delilah and Felix and Henry.Henry!id totally forgot about him.
I teleported back to camp turning to look for him to see him still sitting beside the bonfire laying on his back and looking up at the stars.
"Staring at the stars?"I ask and he doesn't even flinch at my presence and instead more of a grin comes over his face
"There's so many,they're so bright and beautiful"he says softly,like he's just lost his voice
"I stare at them too sometimes"I say crouching down next to him
"Maine doesn't have stars like these,neither does the enchanted forest"he turns to me"how?"
"If you think I did this your wrong,Delilah made those stars"I say matter of factly
"Delilah?"he asks
"When we found Neverland and discovered our powers she was still small,the island has allowed her to grow up to where she doesn't want to anymore but she loved the stars,still does but we saw them only just and that was the first thing she did coming to the island"
I explained
"Wow"Henry laughed
"Henry,you are a very important lost boy"I now had his attention
"I'm not a lost boy I keep telling you"he says like he is annoyed
"Henry,the shadow would have never brought you here if you weren't lost.i need to show you something important and I don't think we have much time"I said looking around for anyone listening and then teleported us to the side of the island
"Here take a look"I say pointing to the infected trees
"Oh my god,what is this?"he asks afraid
"The island is dying Henry.Magic itself on this island is dying and I needed the truest believer to help restore and save magic"I say
"You're not just a special lost boy,Henry.You are the truest believer and the key to saving magic"I explained
"I'll help you"he says and I smirk
"Thank you"
"-it's not because I WANT to help you"he says carefully
"Magic is my life,it's who I am.If magic can just die anywhere we need to find a way to stop it."
Henry said as I nodded along
"Alright,when do we start?"Henry asked not really sure if his question technically had an answer
"In the morning,at dawn we need to start training you"Henry nodded and I teleported him back to the campfire where he soon fell asleep.
I strolled back to my tent,laying down and thinking how much Neverland has changed.So many new people and events coming all at once.
'Tonight I had kissed Wendy'I thought and smiled.A real smile.No other girl I had ever  met made me feel this way.It was an exiting and addicting feeling,like I couldn't wait to wake up to see her tomorrow morning.

Slowly but surely,that night peter felt his heart grow.

Yay another chapter!also 225 reads!!!!thats crazy I LOVE YOU GUYS😘.ok how'd you like this chapter?i added some more of updates to the characters romances because that originally what this book is supposed to be but let me know if you guys liked it.what do you think is going to happen next for the characters?ok I'll see you guys in the next chapter I love you bye💖

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