Back to anything but normal

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Peter pov
After the little reunion between me and Delilah we went back to camp after thanking tiger lily.well Delilah thanked her i on the other hand hate the girl.
We both headed back to camp and chatted over breakfast.later i was teaching more of the boys new fighting techniques and we were working with swords.
"Now who can tell me where the most vulnerable spots in the body are?!"I shouted and got about thirty answers all together but as usual they were all wrong
"No!"I jumped down from the tree stump I was standing on and took Felix, my right hand man by the arm and we started dueling and I went for his arm then pinned him
"The arm!"I turned around while Felix got up and took his stance while we dueled again,this time I pinned him up to a tree holding the sword at his chest
"The heart!"I shouted again and I threw Felix his sword to signal one more duel
"And the legs!"I heard from behind me and jumped as Felix thrashed his sword at my legs and I turned thrashing at his leg while he jumped back until he tripped and hit the ground and I pinned him.then all I heard was applause from the lost boys.After I helped him up I turned to the boys
"Ok spar with a partner and practice aiming for those spots"I instructed and they quickly scurried off as I walked away and over to Delilah
"Up to spar?"she said with a challenging look
"Why else would I come over here?"I smirked and adjusted my grip on the handle of the sword while she took her stance with a look in her eye of a lion ready to pounce on its prey.In a blink of an eye she pounded her blade of the sword toward my neck as I swiftly moved my sword to protect myself from getting harmed,hearing the clash of our swords over and over as we took new stances and tried every technique we had on each other having close calls and calm periods during the fight.i moved to the other side still holding my sword and tapped her on the shoulder when she spun around I put the blade up to her neck making eye contact with a smirk dancing on my face.
"I win"I said not breaking eye contact
"You sure about that?"she bent her head backwards so the blade was above her head then kicked the sword out of my hand doing a backflip and landing on all fours.She charged and our swords hit and made an X with both of us trying to push the other ones sword down.I broke the X shape our swords were in and aimed for her arm which she jumped and dodged.
We began to recede back to a fencing style of our swords until we reached beyond the training area and battled our way into the forest with our feet running and moving back and fourth along with our arms and swords in a synchronized manner.
We had reached a part of the jungle with a towering tree looming we fenced around the tree trunk and Delilah shifted her sword to go for my calf and hitting it with the sword while I winced in pain and she had kicked my legs back so I feel on my back to the ground with a thump
"Tap out?"she asked with a look of victory on her face,I hit the ground three times and she helped me up
"You fight dirty,you're only supposed to pin me"I said
"What other way would I fight,and who ever said I followed rules?"she chuckled along with me
We headed back to the training area and lost boys looked up and stood as their leader approached
"Who won?"a small lost boy asked,me and Delilah exchanged glances
"Me of course,now resume training"I stated while Delilah let out a playful gasp and punched my arm.
Delilahs pov
I finished up training and headed back to camp and walked over near my tree house when I felt a sudden sense of another presence.
In one swift motion I was pushed up against a tree trunk to see Felix,Peters right hand man's hands above my head and him smiling down at me and I exchanged the gesture staring into his ocean blue eyes.
Me and Felix like each other a lot and we keep whatever we have between us secret because I know that Peter would never allow a lost boy to be dating his sister.
Felix leaned down and kissed me,his lips tasting of a variety of berries.We continued kissing for another five minutes
"Well hello to you too"I laughed
"Well that was my hello"he said
"Well if that's the way you say hello I don't want you to ever say hello to anyone again"we both laughed,Oh god I loved his laugh it was a perfect mix of a soft and sweet to make an adorable,perfect little sound.
His features were the best thing about his physical being.
His face was pointed and his cheeks were hollow and when he smiled he had the cutest crinkles at the end of his grin,And let's not forget his infamous scar that reached from above his left eyebrow and ended at the hollow part of his right cheek.
Lost in thought I began to trace the scar like I always did.
I don't exactly remember the day he got the scar but it was in a duel with peter that got too out of hand.
Peter was on top of Felix and he seemed to only see red by the way he was dueling,he wasn't himself like and it seemed that something was about to go very wrong.The grunts and clash of metal woke up Delilah and she rushed to the window to see them fighting and she rushed down her cabin and pushing past lost boys to get a view of what was going on.
When she got to the front of the crowd Felix was already clutching his cheek where peter hit him while peter stood back.
"Peter!what the bloody hell was that!"she yelled while rushing to Felix
Peter never exactly answered her question but ordered him to be taken to the infirmary where Delilah had helped heal it with her magic but her's wasn't strong enough to fully heal it so there would leave a scar on his face forever but would also kindle a small fire between them
Felix pulled Delilah from her memories
"Delilah?"he chuckled
"How long did I zone out for?"I asked
"Does it matter?There's no time here remember?"he said and I nodded
"I guess,still nice to know if it was an hour or a minute"I laughed along with him
"About five minutes.what were you thinking of?"by now we had gone up to my bedroom and were swaddled in each other's arms.I started stroking the part of his scar on his cheek again
"Us"I smile and so does he
"Remember our first kiss?"he laughs
"It was so awkward"I laugh
I had just finished healing up Felix's wound
"I'm really sorry,my magic isn't strong enough it'll scar for sure"he looked defeated but just simply nodded
"Where's peter?"he asked and I just shrugged,peter stormed off after ordering Felix to the infirmary.Even so I didn't want to talk to him after reflecting obvious anger of something else onto Felix.
I looked at the soon to be scar on felixs face that would be very noticeable.
I guess he caught me staring
"Is it that noticeable?"he speaks up
"Ya"he looks away and looks embarrassed "-but it suits you"I add  in a hopeful tone and he looks back up at me
"Why's that?"he asks
"Well you already have a tough looking persona and a mysterious scar definitely completes the look"I say with a smile which he reflects and we both just smile at each other for a minute until I break it
"Well I should go check on the boys,probably going crazy because no one is watching them"I start to get up and walk out of the tent until he speaks up
"Wait" I feel a sense of relief wash through me and I turn back to look at him "-I kinda feel a fever coming on"he says and I smile
"The boys can wait if it's a medical emergency"I smile which he does too
"Oh it is"he laughs and an hour later after talking we start to just smile at each other again
"I think I'm able to walk again"he says
"O that's another thing peter broke when he hit you"I playfully laugh knowing he's lying
"O yes help me up?"I help him up and he stumbles and comes very close so our faces are centimeters apart and we're staring into each other's eyes as our eyes close so does the distance between us and we kiss.His lips are soft and I feel a million sparks,we break before looking into each others eyes and resuming the kiss and this time tender and quick until we both break from it thinking the same thing:peter will never allow it.i touched my lips again thinking back to the kiss just moments ago.until I'm pulled into a hug by Felix and we say what we think without making a sound.
"Peter doesn't have to know"Felix suggests and I nod and ever since we've kept us a secret .
Me and Felix are staring into each other's eyes just like the first time until we hear a knock at the door of my tree house and both look at the door while I silently point to the chair and small table at the other side of my room and Felix scrambles to get over to the chair while I speak up
"Come in"i say and peter enters the room and tenses at the sight of Felix in the chair
"Why's Felix in your room?"he asks and Felix seems to tense up
"Wow peter you've caught us,we're friends"i laugh and peter seems to relax and so does Felix at my comment
"Seriously peter you don't trust me with any boy"I joke, even though inwardly I'm thanking my lucky stars for my good lying skills
"Anyway I was coming to see where Felix was but seems that he's here, let's be going then"he looked at Felix and signaled him to follow peter out of the tree house.
Felix was the last one out of my room and quickly winked at me and I returned it back quickly.We always winked as a way to say 'I love you' and as a 'goodbye' and it was quick enough so no one could see,it was our thing.

Hey thanks for reading another chapter!ALSO 129 READS!WHAT THATS CRAZY ABSOLUTELY CRAZY THANK YOU I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH.ok now that my mini celebration of excitement is over what do you guys think of Delilah and Felix really?think pan will find out or they're secret will get spilled?tell me what you think in the comments.
Also side note I think the best song to listen to when your reading this (idk if you do that but I do.right now I'm listening to stitches by Shawn mendes)is kiss me by Charlie Puth at the romantic parts idk tell me what you think.ok ILY guys I really mean it I hope you enjoyed don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see you in the next chapter ily bye!!

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