Yugi Muto x Reader

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You were walking down the halls of your new school, it was unfamiliar so you had a hard time finding your classes. "I'm going to be late." You said to yourself as you were running down the hallways only to run into a boy with colorful and spiky hair. "I-I'm so sorry!!" You said embarrassed. "What's your name?" The unfamiliar boy asked. "My name is (Y/N), what's yours?" You asked. "My name is Yugi." The spiky haired boy said. "Nice to meet you Yugi, do you happen to know where this classroom is?" You asked showing him your classes. "Actually, I'm going there right now want to walk with me (Y/N)?" Yugi asked. "Sure." You replied. You reach the class. "Yugi, (Y/N) why are you late?" The teacher asked. "We bumped into each other in the hallway and (Y/N) got lost." Yugi said. You couldn't help but blush, Yugi was so good with words. "I wish I could be with him..." You thought to yourself but then you shake your head. You go back to focusing on your school work. The bell rings, you get your stuff and head out of the classroom. Then you get pushed down by bullies. "So (Y/N) where are you going?" Bully A asked. "I-its lunch time, I'm hungry..." you said trying not to cry. They punch you so hard in the stomach that you fall to the ground and you can't breathe. "(Y/N)!!!" Yugi yelled rushing over to you. "I-I'm h-h-hungry..." you stuttered. "Cmon (Y/N), I'll get you something to eat." Yugi said offering you his hand, you take his hand and then you pick up your backpack while trying to breathe. "(Y/N), are you okay?" Yugi asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, thank you for your concern." You said.

Time skip to a couple months later
You've gotten closer to Yugi, you've even fallen for him. He's everything to you but when you finally decide to confess a bunch of girls surround him and start confessing their feelings to him. "I wish that I could have the chance to tell him how I feel..." You thought to yourself. Tears escape your eyes as you run down the hallway crying into your hands. You stop by the doors and sit, crying and your thoughts consuming you entirely. You were about to go completely insane until you felt someone kick you in the stomach multiple times. "I-I c-can't b-breathe..." You silently said to yourself. "I wish I could've had my chance before it ended like this..." You thought to yourself. "(Y/N)!!!" Yugi yelled rushing over to you. "Y-Yugi...before I go, I want to tell you that I really like you." You said. "I like you too (Y/N). Yugi said as he leaned close and kissed you deeply. You don't hesitate to kiss back. You feel like every problem you've faced is washed away by the love Yugi has for you.

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