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     Hello my name is Emma, I go to River High. Only 18 with two jobs and big dreams. The reason why I have two jobs because every since my father died my mom started to do drugs. Everyday she was getting worse she even join a gang. She hardly makes money so I want to help her so I got job working in the cafe after school. I want to end my life almost everyday people in this world just so cruel. I only keep going because I know it gonna get better also my mother might end up getting hurt. I only have one friend name Mia. Mia been my friend since the beginning of 9th grade. I always remember what she has done for me, saving me from Bria at that time there were bestfriends. I was walking out of class with books going
to my locker suddenly I see myself on the floor. Seeing Bria laughing at me and Mia just looking furious. I grabbed my book and run to a room. I heard the door open I got up and wipe my tears then I saw Mia. She asks me if I'm okay I responded with a little sassy saying " Why do you care don't you have somewhere to be". She smirked and said " Not really I just wanna help". Every since that day we been friends we got close every minute when we laughing and talk. Now we're bestfriend and I'm very happy she in my life. This is my last year in River High and I want to make it my best year. That is gonna be hard when I got Bria and her minions and her jocks and people bring me down. I hated the people in my school they so cruel especially the boys. James he make look handsome but on in the inside he mean ruthless have no love but his self. There rumors he in a gang and his bestfriend Liam. I think that is a lie how do someone have time to be in football captain and have time be in a gang. Well I honestly don't care about what he does I don't understand how him and Bria is even together. Wait why am I lying to my self they both the same people I see why they go out. I hope a miracle comes my way.

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