Chapter 1

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6:30 my alarm is ringing and ringing I just want to sleep all day but I just remember I have kids to study before I go to school. I got off my bed and put my glasses on. I walk into my bathroom and did everything like I always do everyday. I put my hair in two pig tails because it seem so pretty to me. Today I felt it was gonna be good so I put on my long skirt and a classy shirt. I went into my living room and see my mom on the couch with drugs and alcohol. I took all of it and put in the trash then my mother woke up. Yelling at me and screaming saying "What are you f!cking doing you rat". I told her " What I do everyday clean up your mess". She walk up to me and said " Don't you talk back to me I'm your mother" I responded saying " You sure don't act like it" I took my book bag and left the house. I got in my car and drove to school I was five minutes late.I rush to the library and saw my student waiting for me to help her. After 45 minuets the Bell ring it mean homeroom gonna begin. I pack my things and went to the hallways to see if Mia arrived to school. I saw her with her boyfriend Mason. Mason is one the popular kids but he not like them he kind and funny.

    Mia saw me and ran to give me hug

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Mia saw me and ran to give me hug. She told me she miss even though we hang out last night. I laugh and said you crazy. I told Mason hay how was the weekend. He told me it's was great I smiled and told them I don't wanna be late for homeroom. I went in to Mr. Mocro class and sat in the back on my own. Bria and her brats walk in they started to walk my way I thought there was coming to me. Then I see them walk to James and Liam.
They started to laugh at me Bailey said to Bria " She thought we was walking to her". Bria started laughing Zoey said " We don't wanna be seen with a geek". Out of nowhere half of the class started to laugh at me. Even Jason and Liam it was so embarrassing. I want to cry so bad but I didn't wanna do in front in them. Then tear drop from eyes on to the desk. Bria saying "Look guys the geek is crying". I pick up my book bag and ran to the nearest room I saw which is the janitor room. I guess Mia saw me running because moments later I saw her here with me saying it okay don't worry.
Everything is gonna be alright. I wipe my tears and went my first period with Mia since we have all class together except homeroom. My day turn out pretty good because of Mia. Mia went home when I went to go to study kids after school.
James Point Of View
I caught the football and the cheer team started to cheer. Coach called me and said " James you might got off the team". I got so mad I threw my helmet on the floor I respond " Why I know you saw me caught the ball with the one hand". Coach told him " It's not you it's your grades, you need to pass your math and science with a C or high in order to stay in the team. For now the principal want me bench you so you can focus while you study for your text coming up". I got mad I walk out the field I can hear Bria calling my name. She caught up to me saying " Baby what's wrong". I told her "leave me the f!ck alone". She told me "Stop being a d!ck and call me later".
I walk to my car and drove to the house and I saw two mans outside on my porch. I walk up slowly up to them with on my hands on my gun that under my shirt. They told me the boss want you to take care of Mr.Jhonson since he don't want to pay up our money. I let go the gun and respond "Tell him I'm not gonna kill no one he already know I don't do that". I made my way inside my house and lock the door. I put my gun on the table and went to take a shower.
Back To Emma
Time flew so by fast I was late for work. It was 4:30pm I packed my things and put in the car drove to Yum Yum Café. I went to the bathroom to change to my uniform for work. After long day take orders from different customers it was time for me to go. I got home didn't even bother say hi to my mom when she was sitting there smoking. I went straight to my room to take a nice warm shower . I lay on my bed looking at my ceiling until I fell asleep.

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