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Holy crap it's a chapter! But why the heck is this book doing so well? Idk at this point.

U know everyone and is in a relationship with Colby cause he's the hotter one of them all

Colby: bish it's a FRIDAYY
U: my schools already it's legit  11:11
Sam: ha ur in school
U: u can throw some grounds with me
Aaron: ?
Elton: 🙄 Aaron do some research
aaron: its billy NOT AARON
Brennen: sup boos
Kat: sam come here
Sam: where r u
Brennen: yep just forget I exist.
Kat: HA. And I'm in the bedroom and I'm exhausted so get up here and let's go right now u little f
Sam: she's cranky
Aaron: I will do the same as Kat and hit the hay
Brennen: no one ever says that...  

Group chats -tfil- Aaron Corey sam Colby Elton and uWhere stories live. Discover now