Doctor Day👩🏽‍⚕️

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Recap: You started crying when you saw that there were 2 lines...

You tried to stop crying once someone knocked on the door.It was your brother.
Kye: Maria are you ok? Did jack do something? I'll beat his ass!
Maria: No(sniffles)I'm fine.Do you want cookies I got your favorite.
Kye: Awe you got the double stuffed Oreos?!
Maria: Yes I did fatty
Kye: Can I come in?
Maria: Um yeah give me a minute.
You got up and threw away the test, you kept the box though so you could take one more later. You never no that one could be wrong.You opened the door and gave the cookies to kye and walked to his room so you could meet his girlfriend.Her name is Lily.

Maria: Hi lily nice to meet you!
Lily: Nice to meet you I'm a big fan!
Maria: Really?
Lily: Yeah your super pretty and your modeling gigs are amazing. I follow you on like everything.
Maria: Awwe thanks do you want me to follow you?
Lily: O.M.G for real?!? That would be amazing
Maria: Of could if your my brothers girlfriend you gotta be my friend.
Lily: Thank you! My insta is -lilyali1
Maria: Ok I followed you. Now I'm gonna go to bed because I have jet leg and my boyfriend is currently sleeping alone and I feel bad.

You guys laughed and you left the room. You start to walk to your room when you hear crying. You got nervous again. You thought maybe jack was crying because of something. Hopefully not dealing with babies and junk. You walk to the bathroom and check the trash. The test was gone. You knew then that jack had saw.You couldn't help but think, is he crying because he doesn't want it? Or because he doesn't love me? You stopped wondering and walked into the room.

Maria: Babe?
Jack: Why didn't you tell me.
At this part you felt sad but he was sleeping you didn't feel the exact need to wake him up.He's sniffling and crying and it made you cry a little.

Maria: I..I was gonna tell you
Jack: Is it mine?

You just stared at him with the most blank face ever. He wasn't crying as much anymore. He just looked at you with those sad adorable eyes. No matter how cute they were you were kinda mad that he even asked such a dumb question.You went and sat next to him grabbing his hands.

Maria: Yes! Yes it's yours I love YOU jack🙄

He grabbed your cheeks and kissed you. It was a normal kiss. You could feel him calm down a little. You guys pulled away.

Jack: Can we go to the doctors tomorrow befor we take your dad out?
Maria: Of course.Lets get some sleep.We need it.

You guys cuddled up into your bed and fell asleep.

~Time skip to the next day~

Maria:Good morning dad!
Dad: Morning honey how'd you sleep?
Maria: After throwing up a few times, great.Im inns stop by the doctors so they can give me some good medicine for this stomach bug.
Dad: Ok well I called that night bowling place they said they'll save the space for us.
Maria: Ok well we are gonna go tot he doctors now and we'll be back around 3 and we will leave at 4.
Dad: Sounds good!

You and jack left the house and you guys took your brothers car. Which he can't even drive. When you guys got done driving for 30 minutes you got to the walk in clinic. When you got there you filled out a sheet of paper. Jack kept staring at you and then back at the paper.
It had questions like:
Why are you here: pregnancy
What is your name: Maria Quin

-AUTHOR NOTE, I don't know if I've ever said the last name but if I changed it just know it's bc I for got what it was-

More question:
Who could the father be?:Jack Avery
How many weeks are you:3(maybe)
Morning sickness?: Yes
Cramps or pain near the vaginal area?: No
Are you going to keep the child?:N/A

You looked at each other and took a deep breath. You walked up to the counter and gave the lady the papers.
About 5 minutes later you hear your names called by what looked like a doctor.

Doctor: So Ms.Quin how are you today?
Maria: Good, I've been throwing up a lot lately, and I'm always hungry.
Jack: Your hungry all the time( he kisses you in the cheek so you know he doesn't mean it)
Doctor: Well we are going to give you an ultra  sound and then tell you what the deal is.
Doctor: Now this gel is going to be cold and I also need you to make sure you stay still for me.

You were holding jacks hand and then they started the ultra sound. You couldn't believe it. The doctor confirmed you were pregnant then explained how this weird circle looking thing is still early in the pregnancy so it looks funny.You asked for morning sickness medicine and they gave you some.

Doctor: So make sure you come back in a few weeks to get another check up .
Maria: Well I live in L.A and I'm going back home in 3 days.
Doctor: Oh well just give us your other clinic information and we will email them and ship the extra medicine to them.
Maria: Thank you so much.

Even though they look like blobs in a black space you kept the pictures. It's only 1 and you guys aren't meet up until 4. You decided to go grab some pizza.After you stopped by the store and got ice cream to bring home.
You guys drive home after the store.
You couldn't stop thinking of what you would tell your dad or what you were going to tell everyone else? Well eaither way it's happening. You have a feeling jack wants to keep it, not that you don't want to it's just shocking.

You guys get them home and everyone is ready to go bowling. Once everyone gets into the car you guys drive off into the bowling alley. Your dad was so happy. You surprised him with a cake and a card with 100 dollars in it. Once you guys finish bowling you guys went home and you went to sleep as soon as you got home.You were too tired. You woke up to hearing yelling in the living room...

Word count: 1094
I think they're gonna keep it😁

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