Baby bump😍

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- ok so In the last chapter you were only 2 weeks pregnant, Kye was living with you in your apartment and you and jack are going to be making plans. This is going to be 2 months later. You and jack made a plan that you are going to rent a house together 4 bedrooms, and you have been to 3 baby appointments since then. The baby is growing strong but they did tell you to be extra careful because it seems that you have a "fragile vagina". You still live in your apartment that you and jack share because Kye moved into jacks old room. Lately you have been kind of moody because you need to buy new cloths because your baby bump is starting to grow. Jack thinks you look sexy but being called  sexy can only make a person happy for a small amount of time😂. Anyways let's continue the story. You are on your way to the doctors for another check up, in jacks new car, and you started playing some music.-

You started dancing in the seat and sang along with jacks part of the song. He started singing the part as if he was singing it to you and you stared at him and awe. He stared at you and you blushed. You love this boy every little thing about him makes you smile.

You guys finally pulled up to the doctors office and walked inside. It was weird you have only been to this office 2 times but they love you. When you went up to the counter to sign in they greeted you so kindly,"hey Maria! How are you feeling? You look so adorable!" The front desk person said. "Awwe thank you and I'm doing great how has it been here?" I replied. As she was taking the  sign in sheet said replied "normal" she laughed and so did you.

After about 5 minutes they called you to room 5, the usual. They asked you if you were taking the sickness pills and vitamins they gave you, you said yes. They asked you how your life was going because your stress levels were a little high. They weren't concerned because that's normal in pregnant women. They asked you to lay down and they did the ultra sound. It makes you so happy when you see the baby. Last time you saw her heartbeat and you cried. ALOT. Dang hormones.

Doctor: The baby is growing slower then usual but there's no need to panic because we can fix that. Plus it shouldn't be a problem sense your still early in the pregnancy. But she should be kicking soon.
Maria: Oh my already!
Jack: Wait for real! I'm so excited... babe  if I touch your stomach a lot from now on it's bc he/she is kicking.
Doctor: About that would you like to know the sex of the baby now or are you waiting?
Maria: Um can we have a minute to discus that?
Doctor: of course.

The doctor left the room and you stared at jack.

Maria: it doesn't matter to me it's all up to you.
Jack: umm ok ok let's know now!

You laughed at how excited jack was and asked the doctor to come back.

Doctor: have we made a decision?
Maria: Yes we would like to know now.
Doctor: Well I'll show you too, lay down and I'll show you the sex.
(You laid back down on the table and he put the cold gel back on)
Doctor: you see that right there( he points to the ultrasound)
Jack: Wait, ITS A BOY!??
Doctor: Yes congrats sir.

Jack went You you held your hand and kissed your forehead and then a quick peck on the lips. You were crying, you were so happy. The doctor cleaned you up and said you could get ready to leave.
Jack bent down al looked at your stomach and spoke to it." Hey germy it's your dad, and I love you so much." You smiled and kissed jack on the cheek.

You guys FaceTimed everyone in the car and told them the big news. Everyone was so happy. Sense it was still early in the days you and jack decided to go to target and get some clothes because you were growing out of yours.

Word count:726

Oh my I'm so happy about this chapter. It was a little short but it was cute. Btw I'm getting back in track with my writing so expects more 😁

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