Hospital pt.2

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(3 months later)
Logan POV
We are in the and the doctor said if she doesn't wake up tomorrow they are going to have to unplug her and that means she will dye. Jake hasn't even bothered to tern up I haven't been vloging and jack has come every day to see her he is hear for the hole day and specks to her and keeps saying I love you and I want them back together. Jack said he is going to ask her on a date and I think jack made a bad mistake but everyone makes mistakes and he did.

Jack POV
I have come to the hospital every day and every dot I think I'm going to se her awake and smiling but it never happens. I also think I'm going to see.

I've here'd everything jack said and it is cute. No Sam no he cheated on you. Maybe he has changed I don't no no more but I do no is jack is holding
my hand and Logan is holding my other hand.
I have tried 10000000 times to try open my eyes and it hadn't worked.

Jack POV
I have been holding Sams  hand for ages. I squeeze her hand slightly and I FELT HER HAND SQUEEZE BACK

"DOCTOR SOMEONE SAM SHE IS ALIVE SHE SQUEEZED MY HAND" all the doctors came running is and took sam away.

2 hours later
(Still jack POV)
As we by we I meet the rest of the wdw boys and Logan walked through the door there was Sam with her eye open sitting on the bed.  A few hours later the doctor said she is free to go but she needs to rest.

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