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Taimoor called again. Hena answered. Is Raamin with you she hesitated. No my love im at work. Where are you? Why did u leave? Its for our benefit Hena claimed. Plz tell me Hena. Taimoor dont react after hearing this plz. Raamin saved Taifoor. In return she asked for u or she would harm our children. Whattt? Taimoor said angrily. Plz dont react she shouldnt get a hint. I didnt know what to do thats why i left but i cant raise our children alone. They need you. Come back to me. I will protect our children he said. Wheres Raamin Hena questioned. Shes gone back he said. Il see u at night Hena said. Hena returned. Raamin had never left. She had stayed behind without Taimoors knowledge. She rented an apartment close by. She kept track on Taimoor. To her shock she saw Hena return. Wait till i surprise you guys she said. She had applied for a nurse job at the nearest pre school as she had predicted Henas return from before. She had got a job and exactly as she had thought she saw Mr and Mrs Taimoor walk in with Fizzah. They had come to enroll their daughter. As they walked around the school they saw Raamin. You Hena said frightened while grasping onto Fizzahs collar. Taimoor walked to her. Nice to see you. We wont need to worry about Fizzah he said sarcastically. This left Raamin stunned. Has Hena not told him she thought?

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